Dipper Pines x Male!Reader ( Someday )

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(A/n: Okay, so I found out what Dipper's real name is sooo, yeah. Also I'm complete Voltron trash halp me I'm in love with Lance and I ship him with Keith Oh my stars)

The calm sound of the waves crashing filled my hearing. Its rhythm so majestic, making me want to listen to it all day. I was currently by the beach with only my feet in the water. It was almost sunset, the sky was bright orange dancing with red, blue, and pink.

I closed my eyes and felt the wind blow through me. It was so soothing to be here. I suddenly heard the water splash several times and I opened my eyes. I turned my head to the direction of the noise. A boy with fluffy brown hair and chocolate eyes stood beside me, feeling the breeze. He wore a dark blue vest over a red shirt and dark blue shorts. He also had a hat in his hand, but I couldn't identify its features.

He noticed I was staring at him. "O-oh. Mind if I stay here for a bit?" He asked. I politely obliged with a smile and a nod. I bent over and cupped some water in my hands, letting it fall from my hands. "So, what's your name, stranger?" I asked.

"My name? Oh, it's Dipper. Dipper Pines." He answered with a slightly shy tone. I smiled. "Quite an odd name. But I like it. Mine's (M/n). (M/n) (L/n)."

"Hehe, okay." Dipper stared into the horizon, the sun almost going down. He pursed his lips. "Hey, do you have any, I don't know, interests?" He questioned.

I was taken back by how Dipper was trying to talk to me. I felt my eyes widen in surprise and my mouth slightly opening. But I answered anyway.

"I like to go here everyday to enjoy the ocean breeze. Uhm, does that count?" I played with the hem of my shirt.

"Yeah. Well, I have an interest in mysteries. And brain games, and I am obsessed with advanced mathematics and- Oh god, I spoke too much didn't I?" Dipper blushed and looked away. I laughed a bit by his sudden outburst. He was starting to intrigue me.

"No," I said. "It's fine. I like how you take interest in mysteries. I'm kind of a thrill seeker too, if I say so myself." It was true. I liked feeling the adrenaline as I rush through caves of black and crystal. The gems I found. The pearls I've gathered. It was all so interesting.

Dipper's eyes widened and he let out a sigh of relief. His hat suddenly caught on the wind and flew. "Oh no!" He yelled. He tried to run after it but instead he crashed into me as his hand caught its strap on the back. I fell into the water and it soaked my clothes.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! H-Here, I'll help you up." Dipper panicked. He held out his hand and I grabbed it, surprised by how soft it was. I was pulled back up but I suddenly leaned on his chest, causing him to flare up a red blush. Suddenly, I laughed. He had a confused look on his face.

"You're brilliant! I've never met someone like you!" I said happily. I saw how his blush reddened and he looked away, rubbing the back of his neck.

A yell snapped us out of our thoughts. A girl who almost looked like Dipper waved at him.

"YO DIPPING SAUCE! WE GOTTA GO!" She yelled. Dipper sighed and looked at me with sad eyes. I grinned. "Aww, don't look at me that way." I teased.

"It's not that. But, I really want to get to know you better. I want..."

I shut him off by kissing him on the corner of his lips. Such a sweet guy. Too bad he had to leave so fast. I just looked at him with my happy (E/c) orbs.

"Don't worry. Someday, we can share stories about our lives together by the beach. Now you have to go. Take care, Dipper Pines." I said, smiling.

Dipper hesitated, before pecking my lips lightly and saying a quick goodbye. As I watched him leave, I touch my kissed lips and blush a bit. My heart beat quickened as I thought about him.


Years Later...

I ran as quickly as possible, panting horribly. I can't believe that announcement was so long. But at least it's finally officially summer. I raced down the concrete steps towards the beach where I usually take refuge. It was almost evening but the sun was still visible by the clouds. When my feet touched the sand, I looked towards a male, dipping his feet in the water. I dropped my bag.

The familiar brown hair blew in the wind and his chocolate eyes melted with the rays of light reflecting in them. He looked different. He was taller, much more handsome, and I could sense the same nervous atmosphere surrounding him. He looked at my direction, his eyes widening but softening as I walked towards him.

I stopped in front of him, my cheeks dusted with a bright pink hue. I was still in my uniform but I took my shoes and socks off. I felt a hand cup my face and another wrapping itself around my waist.

Dipper's eyes glimmered in pure bliss. He smiled. "Missed me?" He asked playfully. I couldn't take it anymore. I hugged him and cried in his chest, clutching his dark blue jacket.

The sounds of the waves crashing into each other was the only thing I heard. But somehow, Dipper's voice blended in with it and made me feel calm once again.

He didn't hesitate when he kissed my forehead and laughed. "Haha, you've changed. But I think you owe me some of your time after all these years." He wiped my tears away. I gave him a smile.

That night, we spent our time telling each others life stories and holding each others hands in the moonlight.

(A/n: TOOK ME ONE TRY. FUCK YES. But anyway, this is kinda short but this is for all of yous. I may take my attention with the requests first before continuing Bill's Apprentice so yeah. Hoped you enjoyed this~)

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