Marco Diaz x Male!Reader ( Late Night Talk Buddies )

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//Hot damn I haven't been here for a while.//

Marco walked into his room, crashing onto the bed. He buried the side of his face on the pillow and sighed. Today was another long day of Star, school, and monsters. His hoodie almost got barbequed by a fire breathing hydra Ludo brought along.

His phone vibrated in his pocket. He dug it out and noticed he had a message. Already knowing who it is, he checked the message. It was from his late night talk buddy, (M/n).

They were in separated neighborhoods and couldn't see each other much, which bugged them a lot. They first met at one of Marco's karate matches. They talked, they laughed, they talked about weird topics, and a whole lot of other stuff. It was only a short time and they had to part. Before (M/n) left, Marco had the great idea of exchanging phone numbers.

And that leads us to the current situation.

(M/n) (L/n) a.k.a Cute Guy

6:43 PM

Hai~ Tough day at school?

Marco began writing a reply.

yah, how'd you know?

(M/n)'s is typing...

Lol, wild guess~ Hey, guess what?


Jeez, at least show some enthusiasm! :(


Just so you know, I'm visiting Echo Creek tomorrow~! :3

Marco dropped his phone in surprise. His expression brightened as he dug his face on his pillow, muffled screaming following after. Star burst into the room, wand in hand.

"Marco! I heard you scream! Did a monster get you?!" She began asking, scanning the room in panic. The brunette faced her, laughing. "Star, one of my friends is visiting tomorrow! We gotta prepare!"

"A friend visiting? Is it gonna be another Scandinavian transfer weirdo?" The blonde girl asked, waving her wand. Marco shook his head. "Nope! He lives right next to our neighborhood! He's fine, Star. He won't do anything bad, I promise."

"Hmmm.." Star looked at him suspiciously before letting her eyes twinkle with stars and smiling. "Okay! I trust you, Marco!" She said before heading out, leaving Marco alone once again.

He picked up his phone and texted back.


Lol, you don't have to! I'll just be visiting because I have nothing better to do this weekend :P

man, this is great news! you can meet Star and we could eat nachos and UGH im so excited!

Wow~ I'm happy that you're excited for my visit~ I actually didn't expect you to respond like that

Hazelnut eyes drooped a bit as it scanned the message. He really thought that? Was he doubtful of his happy response?

were you expecting a more plain response?

Oh, no! Like I said, I'm very happy for you to respond like that. Anyways, I'll be preparing my things. Don't you dare sleep on our conversation this time. L8R~

Dropping the phone again, Marco sighed. He was really happy (M/n) was going to visit, but he could tell something was bothering him. He closed his eyes. He reached out to nothing, imagining (M/n) doing the same.

"We'll see each other soon." He said before turning off his bedside lamp and resting his head on the soft pillow.

~Timeskip bc I'm still a lazy fuck~




"Just five more minutes..."

"Marco, your friend is here!" Marco bolted upright, his hair a disastrous bedhead and dried up saliva was on the bottom right of his bottom lip. Star yanked him out of his bed and lead him downstairs, making Marco complain.

"Star, I haven't even brushed my teeth yet!" His complaints were ignored by the blonde as she lead the way to the front door. She slammed the door open, revealing a surprised figure.

Lightly tousled (H/c) hair, surprised (E/c) eyes, soft-looking lips that were agape in shock. His different aspects were appealing to him. The male recovered from the sudden surprise and smiled, a blush forming on his cheeks.

For some reason, Marco just didn't care about his face right now. He slipped out of Star's grip and tackled (M/n) right to the ground, causing the said male to gasp.

"Hey! It's so nice to see you again, Marco!" He said, patting his friend's messed up hair. The brunette shot his head up and stood upright, helping (M/n) to get up. "S-Sorry...and yeah, it's nice to see you." He said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Haha, anyway, is this person the Star you were talking about?" (M/n) said, gesturing to the happily waving princess on one side. Marco nodded. "Why don't you come in?" He asked.

"Oh sure!" The (H/c) haired male began taking a step forward before looking back at Marco, flashing a smile. He could've sworn the Latino boy had the slightest hint of a blush on his cheeks.

Star patted Marco on the shoulder, giving him a thumbs up. "If you need me, just yell my name." And with that, she dashed towards her room, planning to talk to Pony Head. Marco just sighed and went to the bathroom.

~Timeskip again bc I'm a douchebag author~

After a battle with his tangled hair, Marco went back to the living room, noticing (M/n) looking around with a big smile on his face. He sneaked behind him and covered his eyes, earning an amused giggle from the other male. "I know that's you, Marco~" He mused.

"Actually, no this is a robber! Give me those cookies you stole!" The brunette then hugged him from behind, causing both of them to laugh.

"I didn't not steal anything, I swear!" (M/n) pleaded with fake fear.

"It's too late! You shall pay!" That ensued Marco imitating gun shots and making finger guns, whereas (M/n) dropped to the floor, pretending to die. Both males began bursting in laughter.

"We look like kids!" (M/n) commented in between laughs.

"I think you mean weirdos." Marco said in return.

"I've always wanted to do this, act like kids again..." The other male said suddenly, still laying on the floor. "I absolutely love being able to act like this."

He turned to look at Marco, a smile planted on his face. "Especially with a weirdo like you."

The brunette could almost feel his cheeks heat up from what he said. He returned a smiled and patted (M/n)'s head. "I guess you're lucky to have me as your late night talk buddy?" He asked.

(M/n) shook his head. 'Nah, you're not just my late night talk buddy, you're my everyday buddy~" He said, beaming.

"I'll take that. Wanna go eat some nachos?"


(It's shit I'm sorry I'm a bad author shit I'm a douchebag for not updating.)

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