Sick of It

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I walked down the halls of South Park high school nervously anxious to pass the book report Mr. Garrison had assigned over the weekend. I hadn't had much time to work on it seeing how it was my birthday last Saturday. My parents had demanded to celebrate my becoming of the age seventeen. I love my parents to death, but sometimes I wish I wasn't the only thing they cared about. I'm an only child. Which isn't what it is all cracked up to be. Yes, of course I'm spoiled and my parents would lay down anything for me to be happy, but at other times its complete bullshit! I never get a chance to be alone or to be myself. Its like I'm forced to be their perfect daughter that never colors outside the lines. But maybe I don't want that. Maybe I would like to fly free once in a while and not totally worry about what the future holds for me. The straight A's mean nothing to me if I don't know what I'm doing with my life. So why should I even try anymore? I have spent my whole life trying to exceed what my parents wanted from me, that I have never thought about myself. Hell, I don't think one person even knows my name in this entire school.  I don't speak during school, and I don't speak because why? Well. Its kind of funny. NO ONE TALKS TO ME!

I make my way to English with my book report in my hands. Today I will speak in front of my entire class of basically strangers that I haven't bothered to acknowledge the last eleven years of my life. I made my way into the classroom towards the desk I have sat at for the first three weeks of my junior year of high school. It was a desk in the corner of the room. On it was scribbles of curse words and a drawing of Mr. Garrison. Obviously this was where the teacher had sat the kids that couldn't keep there mouth shut. Because where I sat, there was no one close enough to whisper into their ear.

"Alrighty, class. Shall we get started? Clyde. You're up first. Don't waste my time."

Clyde looked up in shock. He slowly stood up letting his chair scratch the floor with a wretched squeal. As Clyde begun his presentation I began zoning out. I couldn't keep myself focused on what that dumb jock was saying. Nothing he ever said made any sense but for some reason everybody just always went along with it. I was pulled out of my day dreaming by everybody in the class staring at me.

"(f/n) (l/n) pay attention!! Get your ass up here and present your book report" Mr. Garrison yelled. Fucking dick I thought in my head as I stood up from my desk stumbling to my feet as I grabbed my paper and the book 'Lovely Bones'. I heard a few girls chuckle as they watched me suffer with the placing of my feet. I made my way to the front of the class room. My knees where quivering in fear and my throat was so dry I wasn't sure if I was able to talk. I began to speak.

"The book I read is called 'Lovely Bones'" I began to explain the book I read to the class, but I stopped all the words that where coming from my mouth when I looked up. No one was paying any attention. A blonde boy in the back was drinking Coffee, a blonde and a red head girl sat there flirting with Clyde, a couple in the back couldn't possibly be listening they where so absorbed with each other and about the rest of the class was either zoned out or actually sleeping.  Except one. There was one boy resting his chin on his left hand intently staring at me. But what's the point of even trying anymore? No nobody ever listens, and I'm sure that boy only looks like he is paying attention to get a good participation score. I looked over at Mr. Garrison only to see him sucked into his own phone not even noticing I stopped talking.

"You know what? Fuck this" I said a bit more louder than my average speaking voice. The room grew a deadly silence. I scanned the room to see all eyes where on me, taken back from my vulgar language.

"Excuse me? What did you say!?" Mr. Garrison rose out of his seat looking extremely pissed off.

"I said Fuck. This. I'm done with no one ever listening. I am done with staying inside the lines. I'm over being the nobody no one cares a bout. And I'm DONE with this shitty assignment." I looked at the book report in my hands, then dropped it, letting my foot find its landing and sailing it into Mr. Garrison's face. The entire room was quiet in shock. Until the chubby guy who sat in the front row busted out laughing making the entire room laugh.

"This girl is fucking awesome man!" The chubby guy elbowed his friend in an orange parka. Hearing everyone's laughter I ran out of the class room and out of the building. When I reached the sidewalk I slowed down to catch my breath. I heard the slamming of feet coming up from behind me. I turned around only to be met with the boy who seemed to take interest in my report. He wore a green hat that covered his ears. His bright red hair peeked out from underneath it in little curls. He wore a bright orange coat and some cloves. Appropriate dressing for the weather today. Me not so much. I was wearing a plain, black, baggy t-shirt, jeans and some tennis shoes.

"(f/n)!! Its me Kyle!" The boy acted like I was so pose to know him, but to tell the truth I never bothered to ever listen for his name. I never bothered to really learn anyone's name.

"Umm, am I so pose to know you?" I asked him curiously

"(f/n) we've been going to school together since sixth grade, so I figured you would.. But it doesn't matter, I came out here to see if you where all right. Do you need to talk?" Kyle sounded sincere, and to be honest, yes I did want to talk. I wanted to take everything I was feeling and pour it out of me, give me just a little bit of relief. But that's selfish, and I barely know him.

"No, I actually don't want to talk. I can take care of myself thank you." I turned to walk away when I felt the warmth of Kyle's glove grab my arm and turned me back around to face him.

"Listen (f/n), I know how it feels to be fed up with everyone around you. I know how it feels when no one understands because they are to stupid or ignorant. I also know how it feels to have everyone turn down your views. So I'm here if you ever need to talk. I know that look when I see it, no one was there for me. But if you want, I can be there for you. You don't have to be alone." His eyes glared down at me as a silence crept over us. I noticed his hand was still grasping my arm so I pulled away stumbling a bit back.

"I-I have to go.." and with that, I turned away and walked back home.

Sick Of It (Kyle Broflovski X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now