Back to School

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As I opened my eyes, the memories of yesterday flooded back into my mind. I felt my body temperature rise in embarrassment. How could I be so stupid. I ruined everything. Now everyone is going to think I'm crazy. I heard a soft knock at the door and bolted up to look at my clock. It read 6:30 I had a nice two hours to get ready for the school day. which isn't much when most of it will be consumed with my parents asking about what happened yesterday, seeing how ignored them when I came home.

"(f/n), dear. I brought you some breakfast." My mom came into my room holding a tray of what smelt like pancakes and eggs. It made me want to vomit.

"Your principle called yesterday. They seemed worried, they said you had acted up for the first time." My mom sat on my bed while setting the food across my lap.

"Let me guess, detention for a week?" I said lowering my gaze to the gut wrenching food.

"No, but they did suggest talking to you" she looked at her hands as she folded them in her lap. I knew what that meant. I did get detention, but my dad and mom cant stand "there perfect angel" getting into trouble. Now I might really vomit. I should at least be treated like everyone else. My mom rose from the bed and began searching through my closet like she did every morning. Even though I'm seventeen, they still treat me like a child and pick out my clothes.

"Here's your clothes for the day sweetie. Now try to put a smile on your face." She pinched my cheek. I looked at the clothes she brought out. Boot cut jeans and a baggy purple sweat shirt. What she brought me everyday, just different colors.

"Mom? I'm seventeen years old. I don't need you picking out my clothes for me anymore."

"Sweetie, I'm your mother and you will respect m-" My mother was cut off by the cracking of the breakfast she just made hitting the floor.


"Get out mom." I said quietly, and she did exactly what I told her. I walked into my closet, I never understood why my mother made me where the same thing. I had such a variety of clothing. When we did go shopping she would let me buy what ever I wanted for myself, even thought she also bought what she wanted. As I looked around my closet I saw that everything still had a tag on it, besides one small section, the clothes my mother always picked out. This infuriated me. I picked something out for my self and began to change.

I looked in the mirror that hung on my wall. I was wearing a black dress tank top dress. It was snug to my torso, and flared out at the bust and hung to my knees. I slipped on some simple black flats, then began studying my face in the mirror. I put on some mascara making my (c/e) eyes stand out. I then plugged in my straightener and began twisting it back and forth through my hair. When I was done my (l/h) (c/h) hair had perfect beach waves. Satisfied with my reflection I made my way back to school.

As I walked down the halls I felt a little bit off. I noticed that everyone was looking at me. The whole school seemed completely silent but I don't care. I felt amazing. The weight that has been on my chest for the past eleven years was now gone. I'm going to be myself and no one is going to change me, not ever again.

~Time skip~

I made my way over to a table with my lunch. As usual I sat alone. My stomach was growling from not eating breakfast this morning and all my mind could focus on was the imagery of chocolate bars being shoved down my throat. I began to take a bite of my sand which forgetting my day dreams of chocolate, when the table shook with the weight of others sitting down. With Half of my sandwich stuffed in my mouth I noticed that Clyde and two other boys sat down beside him.

"Hello (f/n)." Clyde said with a smug smirk on his face. I don't know Clyde that well but all I could think when I saw him was 'What a conceded little dildo.'  I almost choked on the food filling my mouth when Clyde started to speak again.

"This is Craig and Token and of course you know me" His smooth voice that would capture any girls heart agrivated me. Why was this faggot even talking to me? I harshly swallowed what was left in my mouth and met his gaze.

"Im sorry, but I dont know your name, come again?" I gave him the most innocent smile I could muster up attempting to knock off his cocky grin. But of course the assholes face just widened.

"Well then, I'm Clyde." He reached out and grabbed my hand to kiss it. Before I had time to gag back up my sandwich, he was interrupted.

"(f/n), Do you wanna come over and sit with me?" Clyde dropped my hand as I looked up to see Kyle. 'Oh thank fucking Christ' He was glaring at Clyde as if he committed a murder but I didn't hesitate to answer him.

"Yes!" I said a bit to enthused to get away form Clyde. So I stood up and cleared my throat trying not to seem to desperate to get away.

"Yes Kyle, thank you for asking." And with that I walked away with Kyle leaving a very pissed Clyde.

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