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I walked down the streets of South Park, still furiously trying to forget the dream that kept rapidly running through my mind. I rubbed my hands together while giving them little puffs of air to keep them warm. The air was chilled, and my hands where beginning to become numb. I came across Tweak Bro's Coffee shop and made my way inside. Not a single person was there, it was so silent that the bell that rang as I walked through, echoed a few moments longer than expected.

"(y/n)? I-Ive never seen you h-here before?" I recognized Tweek from class. He was the only kid that sat semi close to the desk I always chose to sit at. After I didn't reply to him, I noticed he seemed to become a bit anxious. His eyes twitched, and his hand where shaking as if he was freezing, but the warmth of the coffee shop left his armpits swimming.

"Well c-can I get y-you anything? ACK!!!!" Tweek said as he knocked over his own cup of coffee. The black ooz spilled over the counter as the boy frantically threw napkins all over the place.

"No, I'm fine.. is it alright if I just hang out here for a while?" I asked the boy as I took some napkins and helped him clean up the coffee.

"Y-yes, make yourself at h-home." Tweek took the soaked napkins from my hand and threw them into the trash can. I made my way to the back of the shop where there was a brown booth. I sat down and leaned my head against the cold window. The smell of coffee absorbed my senses. I closed my eyes and let my mind escape to a world of relaxation. My stomach began to grumble as the bell from the door rang again. And that's where he stood. Cartman. He didn't look like his usual self. His blue and yellow hat wasn't wrapped around his perfectly round head, he was wearing dark blue pajamas that had little brown teddy bears speckled all over. His eyes caught mine as I took in the darkened bruise that was encircled around his left eye. His eye was so swollen that he couldn't even open it. I was in so much shock I didn't know what to say. So I didn't say anything, I just sat there staring.

"H-hey Cartman, W-what can I--" Tweek was cut off by Cartman sprinting out the door and down the street. As Tweek looked from the door to me, I felt my face rise up with heat, and I sunk down in the booth trying my best to camouflage myself back into the world like I use to. About 10 minutes later I was shaken awake by Tweek's hand, I must have fallen asleep. I sat up, and on the table in front of me sat a cup of coffee and a huge freshly baked cinnamon role.

"D-don't worry, its on the h-house" Tweek said while sipping his coffee as he sat in the booth across from me. I took a drink of the coffee Tweek had made for me, the hot bitter taste ran through my throat and hit my stomach in the most satisfying way. I took a bite of the roll that was laid out in front of me. I didn't realize just how hungry I was until the sweet taste of cinnamon caressed my tongue.

"I-I hope you enjoy that. Y-you look l-like you are h-having a rough m-morning. P-probably because of the p-party? I-I know what happened. I was t-there." Tweek looked at me as he twitched a shorten sympathetic smile.

"W-well at least he got what he de-deserved." Tweek said taking another gulp of his coffee. I took another big bite of the cinnamon role when it hit me. He had gotten that black eye because I ran out. Cartman didn't deserve to be beaten up, I just didn't want him to steal my first kiss. No wonder he acted so scared of me.

"Tweek, what happened after I left?" I spoke to Tweek as I held the Cinnamon role in my mouth, progressively chewing it until I washed it down with some coffee.

"You want me to explain!? ACK! Jesus Christ man! I don't want to get in the middle of this!" Tweek began freaking out. I felt bad instantly, knowing I had caused him one of his very well know panic attacks.

"Its okay Tweek, you are not involved, I'm just curious of what happened. Is it that bad?" I said, finishing my food and gradually emptying my mug.

"W-well kind of. Y-you see (y-y/n), after you left everyone started questioning Cartman. He e-explained to everyone that it was just a prank you two where pulling on all of us, a-and that he didn't think you would freak out so bad. Then K-Kyle started screaming at him in front of e-everybody. He started punching Cartman, a-and then right before Stan was able to pull K-Kyle away, h-he got one last punch to Cartman's face. T-then Kyle started freaking out. H-he pushed Stan off of him and sprinted out the door. T-then Cartman left. And once everyone calmed down, t-the party continued." Tweek fidgeted with his mug the entire time he told me the story. My heart sunk at the fact that I was at fault for all the ruckus that had taken place. It really wasn't a big deal, I just made it into one. My heart sunk at the fact that Cartman had been hurt because of me, but it also sprung to beat with the thought that Kyle had stuck up for me. Both of my feelings had left my body numb and dumb. Tweek must have noticed my troubles, because he had grabbed my hand and held it with care.

"(y/n)? Are you feeling alright?" Tweek's hazel eyes had left me speechless.

"Y-yeah! I'm fine. Thank you so much for everything Tweek! Your a life savor!" As I snapped out of my daze I stood up, miss placing my stepping, and stumbling around a bit before I could catch my balance. As I made my way to the door, I glance behind me, only to see Tweek standing up. His tall slender build was actually quite more handsome than I had recently thought him to be. He was so sweet to me, I honestly didn't know how to thank him properly. Surly running out of his café, wasn't the right thing. I watched him whipping off his apron with his hands, getting ready to walk into the back room. Before he could, I made my way in front of him, wrapping my arms underneath his and around his torso.

"Thank you again Tweek." I said as I un-wrapped my hands and stood on my toes to plant a quick kiss of my lips to his cheek. I noticed his cheeks warm up to the color of magenta before I made my way out the door. Hearing the ringing of the bell fade away as I made my way down the street and back home.

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