Sick Days {Minishaw}

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Saturday evening just chilling at home with all the boys minus Harry and the two Cals were the best, well it would've been better if they were here but it'll have to do. We were all sitting in the game room with our large TV and Fifa set up for a match between Ethan and Tobi, Josh and JJ standing behind them encouraging their loved ones to score.

Simon sat in the corner of the room smiling while watching the 4 boys together, secretly wishing he could have that type of relationship with the one he loved the most. Looking away from there Simon turned to look at Vik on his phone texting Lachlan probably. Simon's then started thinking about his one and only love, wishing he was here in his arms forever.

Suddenly the lanky boy was pulled from his thoughts when his phone started ringing. He looked at the ID to see it was Callum, which was surprising since him and Cal were going to be leaving for their date soon. He picked up and before he could say 'Hello' Callum was already speaking "Simon can you please come to the tower? Harry's not feeling very well and Cal and i are meant to be leaving in 5 minutes. Please come" he pleaded "ok ok Lux calm down, I'm leaving the house now" Simon replied while quickly exiting the game room rushing to his room to get his shoes and car keys.

Quickly ending the call and shouting up to the boys "GUYS I'M LEAVING FOR THE TOWER. HARRY'S SICK AND THE CALS ARE LEAVING FOR THEIR DATE. BYEEEE" all Simon got for a response was Josh yelling 'OK'. With that Simon left the house and got into his car to driving to the tower so he could take care for the one he loved.

Upon arriving Simon saw the two Cals standing outside waiting for him. He rushing to the Cals and Cal immediately said "Here are our flat keys. Harry's in his room and it's a mess. Just a warning." After that the two got into Callum's car and drove off, leaving Simon to take care of their flatmate, not that he minded.

Simon got in the lift and pressed the button to the right floor and waiting impatiently for the lift to reach the floor. Once the doors slide open Simon went straight to the flat doors and unlocked it. He went inside and locked the door immediately throwing the keys on the table and walking to Harry's room.

Once he entered he was looking at the younger boy in worry, to see his room an absolute mess, well from what he could see as Harry's room was dark, he black-out curtains closed and the only light was coming from his computers, his clothes were lying everywhere and the bin was over flowing with tissues and he had at least 4 finished boxes on the floor. "Oh Harry, what happened?" Simon asked softly, walking towards the bed that held a curled up sniffling boys. He sat next to Harry and immediately started rubbing his back knowing that calms him down.

"Si... What are you doing here..?" Harry asked with his voice dry from coughing so much. "I'm here to take care of you Harry. Now you stay here while i go get you hot soup and some pain killers for headaches just in case" Simon said while getting p, but before leaving the room he left a quick kiss on Harry's head to let him know that hes not going to be gone for long.

Once in the kitchen Simon searched for the soups and pots to make the soup for his little one. A few minutes later the soup was done and poured into a mug for Harry and Simon made is way back to Harry's room, not forgetting about the pain killers. Simon re-entered Harry's rooms and out the mug and pills down on Harry's desk so he could help Harry's fragile body sit up. Simon made sure Harry's arms where wrapped around his neck so he could pull him up from the bed. Simon slowly pulled Harry into a sitting position and let him lean his back on the wall to keep him upright.

When Simon got a good look at Harry's face he visible saddened, Harry was pale, his lips were chapped and his nose was red. Simon hated seeing his baby like this. Simon got off the bed and handed the mug of soup to his love "drink up Haz" he spoke softly while rubbing Harry's back again. Harry rested his head against the lanky boy sitting next to him, exhausted from the lack of sleep he's had over the last few days. He weakly lifted his arms to bring the mug to his mouth. slowly drinking it slip by slip.

After a while Harry finished the soup so Simon put the now empty mug back on the table and handed a bottle of water and painkillers for Harry. He took the pills and put his head on Simon's shoulder once again. Simon mentally cooed at the boy cuddling up to him, so Simon wrapped his arms around Harry's waist and brought him closer till the two bodied were pressed together. Simon shuffled down into a laying position and laid on his back so Harry was on top of him, his head buried in the taller boys neck and Simon had his arms wrapped around the shorter's waist, rubbing circles on his back to lull him to sleep. Slowly Simon nodded off not too long after Harry did.


Simon slowly awoke from one of the best sleep he's ever had, probably because he had his baby in his arms. He opened his eyes to see Harry's head buried in his chest and his arms still around Harry's waist flushing their bodies together. He looked and the younger's face and noticed how he was gaining a little more colour into his face and his nose wasn't so red anymore. Simon was so lost in his thoughts about the smaller boys that he didn't notice Harry wake up. He was snapped back into reality when he felt Harry move in his arms, snuggling deeper into his hold. Simon slowly moved one arm from Harry's waist and cupped his cheek, rubbing his thumb over his cheek bone.

Harry slowly awoke from his peaceful slumber, sighing in happiness. He slowly looked up at the boy holding him with eyes full of sleep. With a lazy smile on his face, Harry snuggled into the hand resting on his cheek. "Morning Si" he whispered, his voice laced with sleep.

Simon didn't reply, he just nuzzled his head against Harry's and kissed his forehead. "How are you feeling baby" he asked Harry softly while stroking his now red cheeks. "Thank you Si for taking care of me" Harry whispered back, staring into the taller's eyes once again, this time with a blush kissing his face.

Simon slowly rolled on top of Harry, one arm by Harry's head and the other cupping his cheek. "Harry, I will always take care of you. You're my life, my baby. I will forever love and care for you. I love you Harry" he finally confessed, after years of hiding he finally managed to express his feelings to the one he loved, the one person he loved more than life itself.

Harry didn't reply with words, but he replied by wrapping his arms around Simon's neck and pulling him down for a long needed kiss, a kiss full of years of hidden love finally being unleashed. They kissed with compassion, slowly eased into a steady pace, loving the position they are in. Finally together in each others arms.

Like they were meant to be.


Word count: 1355

I'm sorry I'm really bad at updating and shit, but school is started soon for me so updates might be even slower

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Changed my user to @Shadow_Minishaw

Love you guys :)

- Emz

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