1. Showtime

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School is just another form of punishment. As if being me wasn't punishment enough. Here at Lebanon Junior High School (LJHS), there are so many students nobody can keep up with us. I've been here for almost a year and I can't name five people. I stay to myself, but that's my choice. I'm not a verbose person and I don't really mind. Having someone to talk to every once in a while never came my way. My family is there, physically, for me. I can never really tell them what's on my mind or I would be sent to a therapist. It's pretty funny, because if I wouldn't talk to other people, what makes them think I would talk to some balding man or a women who has enough problems of her own? So... I just stay to myself.

The third bell rang, and I searched for my twin sister, Kasey. She was standing right next to her best friend, Miles, like a golden retriever. He was all she talked about. She loved him to death. Literally. I breathed deeply once and slowly made my way to them. They were standing by the wooden Grand Piano, which I had the privelege of playing occasionally for the class.

"I'm starving. Let's go.' Kasey complained, tugging on Miles's shirt. I hesitantly followed them, a shadow if you will, and walked to First lunch.

(First off, let me describe Kasey and Miles.

Kasey: About 5'4, Brown shoulder length "Scene" hair. Milky brown eyes covered in chunky mascara. The funniest, but cute, looking teeth. She had two big front teeth surrounded by tiny, pointed ones. Her teeth are very straight, too. She is giddy and eccentric. Definetly her own person. And she always wears sweatpants unless Miles tells her otherwise.

Miles: Probably 5'7, Wildly curly chestnut hair, metal-rimmed glasses with braces. No he is not a nerd. He is a HUGE social butterfly. Always talking talking talking. He is also talented. He loves to act. Sing, maybe. He starred in the Alice In Wonerland play as the Mad Hatter because of his crazy hair. He always has a way to make you smile.

Done with description. )

We turned right down the empty hall. We were always late for lunch because they liked to talk to other students in the hall. I was staring dejectedly straight ahead at nothing in particular. Tugging on my shirt and trying to bury myself in my jacket. I was so insecure about myself that I couldn't talk to anyone, except Kasey, freely for fear that I would have an anxiety attack. Just the thought of it made my heart thump wildly in my chest.

"Why are you so quiet?" Miles interceded my train of silent thought. I wiped the dead look off my face and but some artificial light in my eyes.

"Not much to say." I smiled at him, trying to convince him that nothing is was wrong. I could feel my smile mangle on my face. I struggled to keep it there. He patted my shoulder and turned away from me, talking to Morganne. Morganne was one of Kasey's first friends when we came here. She was really sweet. She didn't have anything mean to say about anyone. We grabbed our lunches and sat next to the Cafe doors. I quickly gave up on the smiles and stopped listening to boring conversations. I put my head down on the fake-wooden table and closed my eyes. I could sense stares but ignored them, knowing that if I lifted my head up, I would be interrogated on my mood.

My ears pricked as I heard an enchanting, throaty laugh. I lifted my head up wearily, and my eyes locked with his. As quickly as I had glanced at him, I looked down. My cheeks burned. What if I looked stupid to him? Ugh! Why did I do that? My blonde curls fell over my face. Looking through the light curtain, I gaped at his face. He was literally beautiful. Nobody saw him like I did. I was new, along with Kasey, this year. It would make sense that people wouldn't think he was cute because they grew up with him and didn't see a change. Before someone noticed me staring like the idiot I was, I laid my head down upon my folded arms.

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