4. Start Talking?

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I have good words to say; good advice. But no one listens. No one hears. I enter the quiet choir room, being the earliest one there. 'He' was sitting there in all his magnificence like he had a right to. I was sure I was holding up a line standing in front of the door gaping like a moron.

I had to ask Mr. Cummins if I could use the bathroom, but all of these girls were surrounding with questions similar to mine. But then 'he' arose from his seat in row three and walked up to the piano where we were. He stood not a foot from me and my hands started to shake uncontrollably. What is the matter with me? He's just a normal kid like me... right? But now that I think about it, the attraction it obvious. The kids here grew up with him and saw him threw all his awkwardness (if there was any). But since I was new here, I haven't seen anyone so different. His hazel-green eyes and short dark brown hair mesmerized me. His deep enchanting voice always automatically caught and held my attention.

"Mr. Cummins, about the ensemble auditions..." He spoke clearly. His eyes met mine and I blushed red and Mr. Cummins looked at me.

"Is something wrong, Ms. Isaacs?" Mr. C questioned. He raised an eyebrow as I didn't answer automatically.

"N-no. Sorry." I stammered. I looked back up at the enthralling boy (not Mr. C) and his eyes locked with mine again with a skeptical and worried look. Gosh, I'm so stupid!

"Did you need anything?" He implored again.

"N-no, sir..." Utterly embarrassed, I turned abruptly and and walked swiftly to my seat. Under his gaze made me fall to pieces. I need to muster up some courage and just speak to him. He was a kind person and never said a harsh word to anyone. It couldn't be hard.

"What's wrong with you?" Kasey whispered as the class stood up to do warm ups. Without looking at her I said nothing and shrugged. This was going to be an interesting day.

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