Chapter Two - Chapter Six

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Y o u a r e (Y/N) . . . c o r r e c t ?





chapter six - ...

A brand new day, a brand new start, right?

A happy start, right?

No. Not at all.

As soon as you woke up you smelled the familiar smell of Yato.

Blood..sweat...That was all you could comprehend from his smell. Nothing good was to come from this man.

Not from you, anyways.

As soon as your eyes clawed themselves open, you were met with a sleeping god next to you.

Yukine was sitting in the corner, seemingly waiting for you to awaken.

He mouthed something to you, but you couldn't comprehend what he said. Or what he wanted to say.

In a low whisper, he muttered "I'm gonna wait outside for you. Get dressed.." He ran out the door, and you heard the front door open.

You sighed and looked back at Yato.

Blood splattered the sheets, his face buried in your pillow. If he wasn't covered in blood, and wasn't insane, maybe you would have feelings for him.

But no. After what he did, you couldn't ever have any feelings for him other than fear and anger.

You grabbed your school uniform from the closest, each little piece sticking to the fabric making you dread the day even more.

For each little piece reminded you of Yato.

The shirt of the uniform was black, just like Yato's hair. The neck tie was blue, the same color as his eyes.

The skirt was blue as well, and the blazer was black.

Each little ornament made you want to cry.

But you didn't.

You slowly undressed, and as you slipped off your shirt, you felt an arm wrap around you from behind.

The stench of blood filled your nose and made you gag.

"Ah~. I can't believe I woke up to such a sight.." His hand was fidgeting with the back of your bra, and he soon managed to unlatch it. It fell to the floor.

He pulled you back into the bed, making you face him.

Your chest was pressed against his clothed one, and your face was as red as the blood staining your sheets.

"Yato...I have to get ready for school..." You tried to pry him away, and he sighed.

"Fiiine. I'll keep Yukine to watch you there. I have to meet with someone.." And like that, he was gone.

You picked up your bra, putting it back on before changing into the uniform.

You walked outside and met Yukine, who was patiently sitting there.

"Is he still asleep?" Yukine questioned. You shook your head.

"Man, how am I gonna explain to my mother about the blood?" You were getting stressed about this, and you heard a whisper in your ear.

A God's Obsessions (Yandere Yato x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now