Chapter Two - Chapter Nine

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Y o u   a r e   (Y/N) . . .  c o r r e c t ?





chapter nine - mother

As soon as you two made it to Capaya Land, Yato dragged you onto a ride with him. Of course, the scariest one he could find so you could cling onto him.

But you felt no fear and let your hands up in the air as the rollercoaster came soaring down. Yato's expression looked hurt, but you couldn't care less, because he couldn't force you to be scared.

Well technically he could, but you two were in public. Murder wouldn't look good to innocent people.

No matter what you did, Yato wouldn't leave you alone. Not even in the bathroom. Your patience was running thin, until you couldn't handle it anymore.

"I'm going to the—" You started to say.

"I'm coming along."

Your eye twitched.

"No! I need privacy too, you poor excuse for a god!"

People stared, but in all honesty you couldn't care less.

Leaving Yato standing there, you walked off to the place you meant to go to.

Which was home. Though you knew you couldn't get away from Yato by simply leaving, it was worth a shot.

As soon as you closed the door and entered your home, you closed your eyes and made your way to the couch. You had the room mapped out, so tripping wasn't a high chance.

Still, you tripped.

Your eyes opened, and you looked at what you had tripped over.

Your eyes widened. You didn't even notice it before.

Your mother lay on the ground, her insides on her outside.

"Mom?!" You cried, tears forming. You went to her side, grabbing her shoulders and attempting to shake her.

Maybe it was a prank!

Her shoulders covered your hands in blood. Then you got an idea.

You pressed your fingers to her neck, checking to find a pulse.

It wasn't there.

Your heart dropped. You looked like a murderer, covered in your mother's blood, but you didn't have anything to do with it.

You didn't drop her body, only wrapped your arms around her limp body and held her tight.

The tears started falling.

'This has to be a bad dream...' You whimpered. You knew this was real life. There was no way this could be fake or staged in any way.

Then, you felt a force pull you away from your mother's body.

More like didn't see a foot come in contact with your stomach.

It was a hard kick as well, as you ended up hitting the couch as a breaker.

Yato flashed before you, aiming the blade he always yielded at your chest.

"Now you know what happens when you disobey me." He glared down at you, as your terrified eyes stared into his.?

"Empty...Empty...Empty!" You shouted, breaking eye contact and standing up. He grabbed your wrist.

"Don't try to run away. I let your brother and father escape, and I can easily undo that my killing them." He whispered, bringing your back to his chest.

You struggled to break from his grip, which only resulted in him holding your wrist tighter. It was starting to hurt really badly.

Your struggles turned into small whimpers, and he loosened his grip.

Allowing Yukine to revert, he let go of you as well.

Yukine looked at you, worry flashing through his eyes.

"Now, you have two options. Either come with us or—!"

"No!" You yelled and smacked Yato across the face. You saw both his and Yukine's eyes widen, before Yato stumbled back. A shocked look crossed Yato's face.

"You can't talk to me like that! You don't own me in the single bit! Protect me my ass! You're just trying to soothe your loneliness! Well newsflash! I am NOT some type of therapeutic medicine to soothe loneliness!" You exclaimed, backing away from him. "Yukine, you can't call yourself a friend if you don't even try to stop Yato! Okaa-san...Katsuhira...Iki-san, everyone that he has ever killed, you stood by and watched! You helped him! How the hell can you call yourself a friend?!" You scolded.

No matter how much you didn't want it, tears started falling endlessly.

This is the route to the true end. No matter how much you felt that it shouldn't be this way, that nobody should be dead, that your mother should be alive, there's no going back.

T h i s   i s   w h y   y o u   d o n ' t   d i s o b e y   Y a t o .










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