Chapter Five - Chapter Twenty One

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Y o u    a r e   (Y/N) . . . c o r r e c t ?







chapter twenty one - .




[A] You scream for help
[B] You tell Yato to help
[C] You tell  Bishamon to do it


You chose [C]


"Do it..." I grunted, gritting my teeth. "Pull that trigger!"

She stared at me, shock filling her eyes, before she glared at me and dropped me. I landed on the ground with a thud.

When I looked back up, I saw Yato being constrained by three shinki, with their hands in front of them as if keeping an animal away with two fingers.

"You idiot girl! What is your attraction to this demon?!" Bishamon cried, holding a large weapon in her hands. If she swung it, I would die.

"Yato is...!" I tried to speak, but was interrupted.

"He killed your family, killed an innocent girl, killed everyone! Why can you not see how bad this thing is?!"

I looked down. "Let me speak!"

She huffed. "Speak then!"

"Yato...I love him! He...He's the first to show interest in me, the first to stay by me for so long, the first to never harm me! Please, let him go!" I begged, looking up at her with pleading eyes.

She chuckled. "No way can I do that...Besides, he has killed you before. You wouldn't remember, but he has killed you more times then he's killed others around you."

I was confused. Yato has never hurt me, much less kill me! "Yato...never killed me..."

"You'll never remember, so don't ask for it. Now..." She held her hands up in the same fashion as the shinki restraining Yato.

"Banish from this manor!" She exclaimed, raising her hand up and bringing it down. In an instant, I felt myself fading away from the mansion, and fading into the near shore.


When I awoke again, I was sitting on a swing set, my body moving back and forth from the wind. I slowly realized that Yato hadn't come with me, and started panicking.

"Yato...?!" I cried, standing up. My legs automatically dragged me home, hoping he would be there.

When I opened the door, to my luck, he was there. He was sleeping, with Yukine next to him. The sword lay there, with blood slightly splattered on the handle. I looked to Yato's hands, which were splattered in blood. He had a cut, a deep one, and it was bleeding all over my carpet.

I quickly ran over, and noticed his scarf on his neck. "I'll be borrowing this..." I muttered and took it off of his neck. I used it to tie around his hand, and when it was successfully on, I smiled.

Standing up, I felt him grab my hand and pull me back down.

"Stay here with me...please..." He pleaded.


He held me close to him, keeping his eyes closed. My face was pressed to his chest.

After a couple minutes of silence, I heard him chuckling. "I killed that skank. She will be back, but she's dead, and has no idea of me. So, I'm safe...So are you..."

"Is...Yukine okay?" I hesitantly questioned. I felt him nod.

"Yeah, he's just tired. I need him, so don't worry about me ever hurting him. In fact, I may be rubbing off on him...When you left, all he wanted to do was kill her. He kept asking me, 'Let's kill her!' And said it was for you...Heh..." He smiled wickedly. "He's finally becoming himself now..."

I said nothing and snuggled into his warmth.

"Becoming like you, huh? Next thing you know, you'll kill me to become your regalia..." I chuckled.

"Soon...Just wait..." He sighed. "My love."




A God's Obsessions (Yandere Yato x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now