Chapter Two - Chapter Eight

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Y o u   a r e   (Y/N) . . .  c o r r e c t ?





chapter eight - slaughtered

Today was a Saturday, which meant, to Yato, that you two could spend as much time as possible together.

Of course you wanted the opposite.

Yato was persistent though.

"(Y/N), if you don't come with me, I'll slaughter your entire family."

Your eyes went wide. "What did they do?!" You shouted. He grabbed your wrists.

"They're simply...getting in the way. Infected with ayakashi. You're lucky I even kept them alive for this long!" He smiled psychotically, making you back away slightly. Of course, his grip on your wrists never wavered.

"Let go of me!" You shouted. He didn't let go and just smiled.

"Hiyori is dead." He flatlined.

Your eyes widened. "W...What?"

"I killed her! I mean..she was planning on taking you away from me with Kofuku. Of course, I didn't kill Kofuku and Daikoku, but Hiyori was dead the moment she decided you wouldn't be safe with me."

Tears filled your eyes, and with a blink, they were racing towards the bottom of your face, eager to beat each other.

Yato's eyes showed nothing. Not an ounce of regret for the murder of his former friend and possibly more.

"But..what about Yukine?" You sniffed, not wanting to become his next victim. Yato wiped your tears.

"Yukine is my weapon. I won't kill him until I have...the job done."

"Don't kill him, Yato!" You cried, ripping your wrists from his grip finally.

His eyes widened.

As he stared in astonishment at your figure, you only wipe your tears away and look at him in fear and disgust.

Quickly, he grabbed your wrists again, pulling you into his chest.

Soon, you felt something sharp poke at your back. With what you could do, you turned your head to look as much as you could which wasn't far. You ended up seeing the end of a blade.

"Now, do you agree to come with me?" He smirked, knowing your answer.





Say Nothing




"No way! Get the fuck off of me!" You shouted.

That was the first time Yato heard you curse like that. Despite not knowing you for long, he felt like you were his world.

c o n s i d e r i n g h i s o l d
w o r l d i s d e a d .

Yato didn't want to do this at all. So he simply let go of you and backed off.

"I won't hurt you." He sighed and rubbed his head. A momentary relief washed over you, but as soon as it got there, it was gone.

"Sike!" He then shouted and plunged the blade into your chest. Your eyes went wide. Your pupils got small, and you coughed. Blood came out.

"" You grunted, falling to the floor.

If you had gone with the correct choice, you wouldn't be suffering. You wouldn't be in the worst pain imaginable to you.

Of course, Yato remembered everything that has happened to you.

He remembers seeing you be hung, stabbed in the eye, everything. He remember everything.

It was like Déjà Vu when he saw your eyes lose their light.

Realizing what he had done, not an ounce of regret filled him.

He sat down next to you, held your body close, and started laughing.

Yukine walked in, and upon seeing the mess his God had created, his eyes also widened.

Lots of eyes widening in this ending, no?

"Where did you get the blade from?!" Yukine yelled, running over to you and pushing Yato out of the way. He fell down with a grunt, and Yukine held your body close.

"First Hiyori, now (Y/N)? When will you stop?!" He cried. His orange eyes glossed over with tears, before they finally fell.

Yato flashed behind Yukine, holding the blade up in the air.

Before Yukine could turn around, Yato had plunged the blade into Yukine's head.

Despite the pain of losing a regalia, he didn't care.

Yato held the blade to his chest, plunging it in.

Yato, Yukine, and you were now dead.

All because you didn't want to go to the amusement park with Yato.







Say Nothing




Yato smiled when your eyes lost all pride, all defiance.

"Yes! Let's go! To Capaya Land!"

His yandere demeanor disappeared in an instant and was replaced with an excited and childish mindset.

"He must be bipolar."










A God's Obsessions (Yandere Yato x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now