Chapter 20: The Betrayal of a Pine Tree

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The vending machine swung open after Dipper typed in the passcode he now had memorized, then stepped inside the dimly lit passage.

Once he was inside the lab, Dipper squinted through the dark before turning on his flashlight. He only had to search for a minute or two before finding the small glass bubble on Ford's desk, gleaming under the light.

Dipper's heart began to pound loudly in his ears as he put down his flashlight and picked up the rift. The surface was so smooth and glossy he could see his own saddened reflection.

Just when he began to hesitate, Bill's voice began to echo again.

Drop it,

the voice said,

Tick tock, kid...

Dipper took a deep breath, held the rift out in front of him, closed his eyes, and let the rift fall to the floor with a sickening crash.

Dipper didn't open his eyes, he just stood there, not knowing what to do now that the deed had been done.

The brief silence was broken by a small voice,

"...what did you do?"

Dipper slowly turned away from the shattered remains of the rift and opened his eyes to see Mabel standing in front of him. Her big brown eyes widened with worry.

"Dipper, tell me right now- what did you do?"
she said cautiously.

Dipper slowly backed away from her. He felt so ashamed for what he had done, and knew there was no possible way for his sister to forgive him once she found out what he had done.

"I-I can explain." Dipper sputtered, stumbling and almost falling backwards onto Ford's cluttered desk.

"I thought we weren't gonna do this!" Mabel cried, her voice sounded shaky from trying to conceal her tears. It wasn't until Dipper's eyes adjusted to the dark that he could see the tears gleaming on her face.


"I thought we weren't gonna keep secrets from each other!" Mabel exclaimed, her emotion a mix of sadness, confusion, and anger.

Dipper frantically felt across Ford's desk until his fingers traced over a familiar shape- the memory gun. He grabbed hold of the gun and slowly curled a finger around the trigger.

Mabel took a small step toward him. She desperately wanted to resolve whatever had just happened, although she didn't understand it. Mabel simply wanted to know the truth.

"Just tell me what's going on."

Dipper swallowed the lump in his throat and he began to draw out the gun from behind him.

"Please, tell me and I can help you with whatever it is. Why can't you trust me?"

Three words echoed in the back of Dipper's mind.

Trust no one

Trust no one

Dipper found himself subconsciously muttering "Trust no one."

Mabel's expression switched to alarm.


That was when Dipper pulled out the gun and pulled the trigger, using his other hand to cover his eyes so he didn't have to look.

But nothing happened. The gun wasn't working.

Dipper's heart sank as he removed his shaking hand from his eyes and looked down the broken gun, then looked up at Mabel's distraught face.

"Mabel, I'm so sorry." Dipper whispered, letting the gun fall to the floor.

But Mabel wasn't looking at him, she was gaping at the giant hole forming on the floor behind him.

It was a gaping, swirling vortex of colors. Inside the twins could hear maniacal laughter echoing endlessly.

"We have to get out of here!" Dipper grabbed Mabel's hand and bolted out of the lab and out of the shack.

There was a sudden bright explosion that sent the twins flying backward to the floor. They fell unconscious from the impact.

As Dipper struggled to stay awake his vision slowly clouded over until everything went black.


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