Chapter 10

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Sob after sob after sob after sob. Two weeks. Just crying my eyes out. He won't love me. He doesn't love me. I repeat to myself. They try coming in. I tell them to leave me alone. Two weeks. Now someone is trying to talk to me again. I gave up. Just gave up. Threw tears I told whoever it was to come in.

"Alyssa are you alright?! What an I saying of course your not... Omg what's wrong?" He says so worried.

"He won't love me. He doesn't love me." I say using he instead of a name so he wouldn't know I was meaning him.

"What? I'm very confused?" He says. I give up.

"Look" sigh "you're gay and pregnant and probably going to marry Scott and therefore can't love me In the same way I do you." I say barring my head further into my knees from embarrassment.

"What? Alissa. Look at me." He takes my head in his hands tilting it up so he can see my face.  I try tearing out of his hands but he strengthens his grip.

"Sweetie. You know I can't date you. Especially when we are over ten years apart. " he says.

"I know but-" the crys constrict my throat.

"Look. I know. But I need you to get over this. Ok? Promise me you will?"


Didn't read over sorry

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