Chapter 2

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The picture is what Hope is suppose to look like...

We sit in the car all the way home in silence, except for the quiet pop music playing from Scott's phone, as I process how exactly I became stupid enough to leave Hope. I sigh heavily resting my head in my hand as I look out the window. I let a few tears make their way down my face and neck, but stopping my self after a couple, not wanting red eyes to give it away. I had to get back to Hope. And that would require leaving.

As we reach the house I mutter under my breath "Don't get attached to anything. You have to leave next week." I walk inside and look around. I plaster a fake smile on my face to make sure they didn't get curious.

"Hey Alissa! Want to see your room?" Mitch asks smiling. But I can see right through him. It's a fake smile. That means he wants to talk. I guess that means I have to go.

"Sure." I say following him up the stair case. We reach a hall at last with six bedrooms. Each one has their names on wood that was painted hanging above the door. He leads me to a door. It is the only door without a name. Most likely because they didn't know what the person's name was going to be.

He opened the door allowing me to walk inside. He followed me and then shut the door as I was mesmerized by the beauty of the room.

"OK. So what's up?" he asks me crossing his arms over his chest. He's serious about this. but I can't tell him. He'll stop me.

"What do you mean? Nothing's up." I lie trying to look innocent.

"Oh yes there is. You happiness is fake. I can see straight through you. So, I'm going to ask again. What's up?" he says walking towards me.

"I, um, erm, nothing?" I panic. And what was meant to be a statement came out more of a question. Well..... that gave it away. "Look. I have my secrets. And there is something I'm not telling y'all. But I promise you that you'll figure it out on your own next Friday." I tell him. I was very hard headed as you may already know by know.

He looks at me. No not looks. He was staring at me. Searching me. Searching for the truth. Trying to find it behind my eyes. It's not that I miss Hope. Don't get me wrong I miss her more than anything in the world. But how am I suppose to tell these people I'm bi? And how am I suppose to tell them who I have a crush on to prove it to them? I mean, I like Mitch, Scott, Tori and Kirstin! They all know each other an I'd be telling 3/4 of the people I have a crush on them! I mean I love them and I want them to know that and I know they love me too..... they just..... don't love me in that way. And I certainly can't talk to Avi or Kevin. They won't understand. They're straight. The only ones I could've talked to here were the short girl/boy and the Empire State building in the kitchen!! Yet, I have a crush on them so that's out. Hope is the only one who will understand. She always understand. I can't wait until Next Friday. I have to do this. Tomorrow.

*Time Skip to Tomorrow*

Please tell me they're not awake. Good. They're all asleep. And it being them I bet for a very long time. "I have to climb out my window, tell Hope I'm on the way, and walk to the orphanage. Without them knowing. And Mitch is not a heavy sleeper at all so if I do something stupid I'm gonna get caught." I whisper to myself. I climb out the window and carefully climb down the tree outside my window. I follow the plan and get to the orphanage about 6AM. They won't be awake for what? 2-5 more hours? I've got plenty of time to do this.

I walk into the orphanage and tell the secretary I wasn't here to adopt and just here to see Hope. I walk to our bedroom where he won't get a new room mate. I open the door and tell her hey. She hugs me and I talk to her.

"Well...... Alissa. Just tell them you're bi. It doesn't have to be through voice. You could do it through text or whatever. You don't have to tell them who made you think you were bi either if you don't want to. That is up to you not them." she says in a soft tone.

"Thanks Hope. You always know what to say or do to help." I complement her and pull her into a hug. "Oh crap. What time is it?" I ask her worriedly.

"Ummmmm....... 3PM? Dang we were talking for that long?!" she says shocked.

"Oh no. They are up. They have to be. I'm gonna be dead! They're going to kill me! Literally! Mitch knew something was up and I guess he knows half of what was wrong now! Oh god. I need a razor something. They say it feels good. I need to cut. To take away pain. I need to." I worry and look for something sharp.

"OH NO! You're not cutting yourself! Get your tail over here! Look just go home and explain." she says softly at the end in more of a comforting tone.

"I-I-I don't know. I'm not ready  to come out to them about my sexuality. And I'd have to tell them when I explain." I panic again.

"Just calm down. Relax." she says softly. "Just go home and rest." she says in a soothing manner. I nod in agreement and wave bye to her as I walk out of the room and out of the orphanage.

I walk home. I walk up the three steps and raise my hand to knock on the door. But I freeze. They're going to be pissed! I stay in the position and finally decide to climb back up the tree and go through the window.

I step inside my room and crawl back into bed. I better be prepared for the worst when I wake up. And prepared to tell them about my sexuality.......

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