Chapter 13

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I woke up wanting to change. Not something but everything about me. So guess what? I died my hair purple started wearing dark makeup changed my skin tone to really light started wearing dark clothes... I look at myself thinking over about this but decided to just go with it. I walk downstairs to them all at the table discussing something very quietly.

"Bye" I say walking out the door to go outside and read. My voice even changed. It got pretty low from what it was before. It scared me this morning when I was singing. I sit outside under a blanket and read some of a book. Probably shouldn't be reading this but eh oh well!

"Alissa?" Mitch calls out.

"Don't call me that."

"You mean your name?"

"It's not my name anymore."

"Then what is?"


"Well that is pretty gothic. I don't like that name..."

I cringed.

"Well I do."

He finally found the blanket and pulled off of my body. I hissed as the sun got in my eyes.

"Well I guess you look gothic too. I don't like goths you know..."

I cringe again.

"Ok seriously what is going on?" He asks.

"Currently, my guardian blinding and not accepting me. Not that it wasn't the worst thing in the past few days."

"Is that why you look like a sheet of paper with clothes and makeup?"

"What? Because my father almost punched his best friend and my crush and tried to hurt me? Nawh."

"Yeah I guess that was a stupid question..."

"Yeah no duh." I tell him rolling my eyes. "Ok I'm done I stay standing up and walking away to my dark and black cave.

"Nooooo get back here. I'm changing you back."

I give him this disgusted look.

"Ok Kirstie will help too."

"What makes you think I want to go back?"

"The fact that you no you're pretending to be dark.

"You don't think I'm dark?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest.

"Uh no not really."

"Strange you don't know me at all."


"Humph. I'm going inside."

"No come back."



"I said no."


"Cause I want to be in my room"


"Are you just going to continue to ask why over and over again?"


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