Chapter 1 (Mitchell)

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I wake up and get dressed. I'm about to open my window when Evening stops me. She has her phone out.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. All I have to do is press send, and your life is ruined."

"Chloe!" I yell. She enters my man cave.

"What did I just step on?"

"I don't know if that's a sock or an old sandwich," I reply.

"Gross! I'm telling mom." She stomps out, and my mother comes running in.

"Mitchell Walker! You clean this mess up, or I'll confiscate your lemon stash!"

"Who said I have a lemon stash?" I say casually. She opens the middle drawer in my dresser and starts taking lemons out.

"No! Mom, please! You don't have to do this!"

"Until you learn to clean up after yourself, the lemons stay in the kitchen." Chloe laughs. I glare at her.

"I'm driving your car!" Before she can do anything, I grab her keys and sprint out the door.


I enter Walrus Hut with a frown on my face. My girlfriend, Bridget, walks over to me.

"What's wrong?"

"My family has turned against me."

"What happened?"

"They confiscated my lemon stash." She's quiet for a second.

"I got this!" Says Ryan confidently. "Have a nice cold drink to calm your nerves."

"Ooh, thanks, man."

"For five dollars." I give the cup back to him. Lilla puts her hands on my shoulders.

"You have to realize that this day would come eventually. There are other fruits in this world. The lemons were no good for you."

"Wait, so this is all about lemons?" Zach leans against the wall casually.

"Enough about the lemons! This place opens in like, five minutes!" Cries Jemma. I hurry into the kitchen.

"I can't believe that school starts next week." Says Ryan, sadly.

"I know."

"So Mitchell, what do you have planned for Bridget's birthday?" Asks Hazel.

"When is it again?"

"It's in two days!" Oh no! I walk over to one of the security guards. I learned that his name is Ron.

"Hey, Ron." He nods at me. "I'm in so much trouble." I usually tell him, John, and occasionally Josh my problems.

"I forgot about Bridget's birthday!" He hands me one of Ryan's drinks. I take a long sip.

"That'll be five bucks, please," says Ryan, holding out his hand.

"No way! That is so overpriced!" I exclaim. Ryan doesn't look too happy. I slowly back away.

"Calm down." He takes the drink from me and pours it on my head. I bite my tongue to keep from screaming. Wow, that was cold!

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