Chapter 27 (Bridget)

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Ah, nothing like a fresh December morning. I unlock Walrus Hut, we don't open for another hour, and my mood is ruined by all the arguing I hear.

"No! Get away from the oven!" I hear Mitchell yell, probably at Andrew.

"That is not how you dress a mannequin!" Cries Lilla.

"Yes, it is!" Says Kelli angrily.

"Give me the stinking headset!" Hazel shouts.

"Hey, check out this funny video I found on YouTube!" Says Ryan.

"Dude now is not the time." Says Justin.

"Now is never the time for you! This is why we aren't friends!" Ryan says frustratingly.

"Will you two quit it and get to work?" Asks Zach.

"You aren't the boss of me!" They both answer.

"I make the best pizza." Says Julie, and I hear Mitchell yell something back at her.

"Emily, you can't read all the time!" Jemma snatches the book away.

"Guys, we have to open up soon," Amber says quietly.

"Don't stare at the sun!" I hear Ryan sing.

"Sing it one more time, and I pour this on your head!" Yells Evening.

"The pizza boxes go over here, right?" Journey asks.

"Well, obviously! I thought you knew that!" Says Justin.

"Haha! Flat tire!" Says Spencer as he steps on Jake's shoe.

"I want you and your stinking jokes out of here!" Says Jake.

"How come Josh doesn't have to do anything?" Complains Emily.

"Because he isn't being paid!" Answers Jemma.

"Break it down." Says John.

"Now is not the time to dance!" Says Ty, even the security guards are arguing. 

Lilla picks up a megaphone and starts yelling at Kelli. Cole grabs something from Ron's bag.

"Hey! You stole my Cheetos!" Accuses Ron and Lilla puts the megaphone down. I run over, pick it up, stand on a table and scream into it. Everyone stops arguing and stares at me.

"Stop fighting! We need to start being nice to each other! I feel like all we ever do is fight! Remember when we first opened up Walrus Hut, and we all worked together? I want everyone to sit down in front of me." To my surprise, they do. Ralph raises his hand.

"Yes?" I ask him.

"Can I use the restroom?" 

"Sure. Now, as I was saying, Ryan, say something nice to Justin."

"What I am not-" I give him a warning look, 

"fine. Justin, you actually are a good singer; I just didn't want to admit it."

"Now, Justin, say something nice to Journey," I say.

"Why doesn't he have to say something nice to me?" Asks Ryan.

"Because he doesn't criticize everything you do," I answer.

"You're the ping pong champion," Justin tells Journey. I tell everyone what to do, and this is how it went:

Lilla: "You have a good sense of style, Kelli."

Kelly: "You're a good organizer, Lilla."

Hazel: "Um, you're, um smart, I guess, Barker."

Andrew: "Hazel, you have nice hair."

Zach: "You're an amazing cameraman, Josh."

Julie: "You make good pizza, Mitchell."

Mitchell: "Thanks Julie, you're a great assistant."

Evening: "You're okay to be around, Ryan, most of the time."

It went on and on, and soon enough, everyone was getting along. For the most part.

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