The Box (Minho P.O.V)

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I sprinted through the dry grass, only looking back to see if Newt was behind me; he was, but quite far behind, his limp slowing him down (I always asked how he got that, but never got an answer) He was so small and delicate, with the same rose blushed cheeks I would see in the mapping hut. Several of the other Gladers had already reached the edge of the box, including Alby and Gally, as I approached Gally had leaped onto the cage, pulling at the rusted, orange handle. It sighed in relief as it was flung open, scattering dry, flaky grass across the concrete flooring circling the elevator. I shoved forward, elbowing other Gladers in the chest, to try and break through to the front. I emerged at the edge of the cage that entrapped beings like in a zoo, only to catch Newt's gaze (he had advanced to the opposite side of the box) I trailed it down to the body huddled in a quivering ball between boxes stacked high; they were filled with supplies. The boy raised his head to look at Gally looming over him like a bad memory, his eyes caught mine; they were a beautiful dark, oak brown that could melt even the coldest of hearts, slightly sunken into his head, but everyone was exhausted when they first arrived, they were also dripping wet, like this new greenie, but non of them looked this good. He worked the soaking wet shirt, as it stuck to his toned abs, chest and arms, his trousers also clung tightly to his muscly thighs and calves. God he's hot I thought to myself as I bit my bottom lip, almost seductively, I snapped out of my trance when someone shoved into the back of me, I looked over to Newt, he was also staring at the greenie, then looked up at me, I could tell he was concerned, I knew all his emotions from after studying his beautiful features from afar for over 3 years until he admitted his crush on me, and I never liked to see my baby worried.

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