Chapter 19

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"You did the right thing, Joe," Selena said, sitting across from him.

"I let her go," was all he said.

"Bro, I know it's tough," Nick piped up, next to Selena. "but she'll come back to you. She loves you, I know it."

"At least you let her know you wanted the best for her," Selena added.

"I guess," Joe replied, looking down.

"She'll come around, Joe. She's starting to figure out her feelings," Selena smiled.

"This morning, she asked me if I meant anything when I kissed you," Joe chuckled.

Nick raised an eyebrow at Selena, but she pretended not to notice. "She's jealous. She asked me something about it too last night. See? Demi's already admitting things."

"You guys really are the best," he said. "I think I'm gonna go out and chill for a bit, I'll see you guys later."

"Bye Joe," they both answered, watching him go.

Nick stood up, raising an eyebrow. "You and Joe kissed?"

Selena smirked. "Oh, are you jealous?"

"Babe, not even," he replied.

"Well, if it matters at all, Joe was drunk and he kissed me." Selena said getting up. "I should really get going," she teased, stretching. While stretching, her shirt lifted a bit to show her stomach.

"Stop being such a tease," he replied, pulling her close to him.

She laughed, "What if I like it?"

"That's too bad, I don't," he said.

"Oh well," Selena smiled and leaned in pressing her lips against his. Her arms wrapped around his neck as their kisses were filled with lust and excitement. No one knew what they were doing right now. Not even Joe or Demi.

"Dinner was great, Sterling," Demi said as they made their way out of the car. "You really know how to make a girl feel good after a fight."

"Only the best for my girl," he said, pecking her lips. She giggled, cuddling with him and walking into her house.

Everything felt in place for Demi. Her best friend and boyfriend were going to get along. She talked to Joe and made things right with Sterling, but her conversation with Selena last night kept coming up to her during dinner. "You guys have amazing chemistry," kept repeating in her head. The real question was: who did she have more feelings for? 'Sterling,' she thought in her head.

"Baby, you okay?" Sterling asked as they walked into the house.

"Yeah, I'm great," she flashed a smile, relaxing and forgetting about her arguements.

Throughout the movie, Demi and Sterling cuddling and laughed and just remained the complete selves with each other. After the movie, they stood and went into her backyard.

"Hey Demi," Sterling said.


"I've been thinking, we've only been dating for a year, but we've known each other for a few years now."

"Mhmm..." Demi said, looking at him.

"We were there for each other at our ups and downs. I was there for you during your treatment and you were there for every little thing that went wrong in my life. You've brought everything good to me, and I want to return the same thing for you," he said, getting down on one knee and opening a box, Demi gasped. "So, Demetria, will you marry me?"

"Oh my god," Demi whispered, shocked. Tears sprung to her eyes. She loved Sterling. Would she spend her life with him? Would she love him forever? Will they last? "Yes," she whispered then laughed as a couple of tears fell. "Yes," she repeated louder while he slid the ring onto her finger. He got up and pulled her into a hug.

"I love you," he said with a huge grin.

"I love you too," she replied, smiling. One thought occured to her when she was hugging Sterling: What would Joe think?

Joe walked into the house with a smoothie in his hand. Today was a nice day, he went around town with Winston. Joe quickly jogged upstairs to drop off new dr. dre head phones with Nick. He opened the door to his brother's room. He dropped his smoothie to the floor in shock, causing it to spill all over the hardwood. What did he see exactly? Well, he saw Nick and Selena on his bed in the middle of a heavy make out session.

"Oh my god, Joe!" Nick said, immediately sitting up after pulling away from Selena.

"Shit!" Selena said, her eyes wide.

"Well well well," Joe's lips formed into a smirk. "What do we have here?"

"So are you gonna clean up that mess?" Nick asked, ignoring the question. "And what are you doing? Haven't you heard of knocking?"

"Are you two hooking up?" Joe asked, a smirk still on his face. "because I know for sure you're both single."

"Uh, I should go..." Selena said standing up and heading to the door.

Joe blocked her path. "Oh, wait till Demi hears about this."

"Don't tell her!" Selena hit his arm. Her phone beeped. "Great, speaking of....Hey Dems!" Joe chuckled. "I'm at the Jonas house with the boys...what's going on?....Okay, see you soon!"

"What was it?" Joe asked.

"Apparently she has something to tell all of us." Selena shrugged.

"Hey Sel, you should go fix your hair, it looks like you two had sex," Joe laughed.

Selena rolled her eyes. "Whatever," she punched his arm and walked to the bathroom.

"Get some paper towels so I can clean this mess while you're at it!" Joe said with a smile. He looked at his brother, who was sitting awkwardly quiet. "So, what's going on between you two?"

"Nothing," Nick said. "Just..."

"Hooking up? Friends with Benefits?"

"Something like that.."

"How long?"

"A month or two," Nick replied.

"Look man, I know you like her. We've talked about this before, and I know you guys have a messed up past, but if you want to give it another shot, go for it."

"That's why we're just hooking up, Joe. It's because of our past. Neither of us wants to get hurt by the other, so this way it's safer," Nick shrugged.

The door bell rang and Joe quickly went downstairs to answer it, as Nick laughed shaking his head.

"Is he gonna tell anyone?" Selena asked walking to the doorway.

Nick shook his head. "Not even Demi." He stood and placed his hand on her back as they walked downstairs, and Selena didn't stop him.

Demi hid the ring from her friends as they walked downstairs. She raised an eyebrow at Selena and Nick, but neither of them acknowledged it.

"So Dems, what's the news?" Selena asked, forgetting Nick's hand.

"Well, I want all you guys to know," Demi smiled big, unable to hide her excitement. "As of tonight, I'm officially," she raised her hand to show her ring. "engaged!"

"Oh my god! I'm so excited for you!" Selena said, with a big smile.

"Engaged?!" Joe thought to himself. There goes any hope.

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