Chapter 21

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"Engaged," Joe whispered the word. He couldn't sleep at all last night. He had paced back and forth around his room, trying to process this. Demi was engaged to Sterling. They were getting married. He had lost her. Just when he thought things were going to look up for a change. He looked out his window as the sun started to rise. Just yesterday, Demi was here, taking care of him. Would she still do that even if she was married? "Let's find out," he whispered to himself.

As the sun slowly rose in the sky, Demi woke from what little sleep she got. Every time she pictured herself at the altar, it was Joe who stood next to her, not Sterling. When she pictured having a son, she saw dark brown hair and light chocolate eyes, just like Joe's. How could this happen? If Joe hadn't turned up in the studio that, she couldn't think like that. She was so grateful for Joe, but if they were to go out again...did she want to be vunerable? She slipped out of bed. Quickly grabbing her phone, she texted someone and changed. She needed fresh air.

The grass felt cool underneath her. Demi was laying in grass, not too far awy from a lake. Her eyes were closed and she felt so peaceful. She seemed to let everything slip away from her mind. She loved coming out here, it felt really calm and relaxing.

"Hey," a quiet voice came behind her.

"Hey, took you long enough," she joked, sitting up.

Joe took a spot next to her. "So how does it feel to be engaged?"

"I'd rather not talk about that right now," Demi dismissed it, leaning into his shoulder.

"What? I thought you were happy," he frowned, confused.

"I am," she sighed. "'s complicated."

"Ah, I see. I'm here if you need anything."

"And that's why I love you, Joe," she whispered.

"I love you too," he murrmered. They sat in silence, just looking out into the view, and hearing each other's breaths. Oh, how much Joe wanted to kiss her right now, but he couldn't.

"Joe, do you have feelings for me?" she asked, biting her lip.

"Of course I do, we're best friends," he answered nervously. Why would she bring this up?

"No, that's not what I mean."

"Then what do you mean?" he asked nonchalantly.

Demi sighed. This wasn't going to get anywhere. She had to do something. "Like as in this," After the last word, she leaned up, pressing her lips against his. Immediately, Joe kissed her back and pulled her closed against him. She lost every bit of common sense in that moment and they kissed over and over. Demi had to force herself to pull away as they both caught there breath. 'Oh my god' she thought. 'I'm engaged and I felt something when I made out with Joe'.  "Did you feel anything? Be honest."

He looked away. "Yes, Demi. I did feel something. Okay, I know you're engaged, but I can't pretend anymore. I still have feelings for you. Fuck that. I think I still love you."

"No, Joe, don't say that," she looked away, holding back tears.

"It's true, Dems. It kills me to see you with Sterling. I want you to be mine, but I want your happiness. I'll do whatever it takes to see a real smile on your face."

"Joe," she said looking at him. "You can't feel this way. I love Sterling, not you. I shouldn't have made out with you. It was a big mistake. I just had to know." It killed her to say it, she did love Joe, but now it was too late to go back and make things right.

"You think I can just get over you like that?"

"You thought I could!" she screamed at him.

"Demi I was trying to save our friendship!"

"Well look where that landed us!"

He looked away, unable to say anything. "I"m sorry," he whispered.

"Just forget it. You can't have feelings for me. Find a nice, good girl and love her. You have to get over me. I'm starting a new life with Sterling. You can't love me anymore."

"Fine," he said with as much hurt hidden away as he could. "Don't bother calling me." Joe stood and left, feeling his heart break even more with each step he took away from Demi.

Demi sat there, and started crying. Why the hell did she do that? Why did she ruin everything between her and Joe?

"Hey baby," Nick said, leaning against Selena's door.

"Nick," she said. "hey." She couldn't sleep last night. All she thought about was Nick. Selena took his hand and brought him up to her room.

"I missed your lips," he said softly, falling onto her bed and pulling her down with him.

"I missed you, too," she smiled. "I was thinking about you all night."

"You were?" he asked, looking at her with curiousity.

She nodded, then sat up. "Look Nick, we need to talk."

"About what?" he asked, confused. As he sat up, he wondered what he could've done wrong. "You don't want to do this?"

Selena ignored his question. "Nick, I can't do this anymore. I don't want to hook up with you. I don't want it just to be a friends with benefits thing. I want to be yours. I really like you, and I hope you like me to."

"Sel," Nick held both her hands in his. "I really like you too, but when we went out before-"

"I know. We both got hurt, but I'm willing to put myself in a vunerable position for you." She looked at him, her eyes showed raw innocence and trust.

Nick sighed. He wanted to say yes, but he didn't want to possibly hurt her if anything went wrong. Looking into her eyes, he realized why he cared for her so much in the first place. She was just so sweet and trusting that he couldn't help it. "I....Okay, Selena. Will you be my girlfriend?"

She smiled, as her eyes lit up. "Yes, Nick."

He pulled her into a hug. "I really care about you, babe."

"I care about you too," she said. Selena leaned up and kissed him, pushing him on the bed. Right then, her cell phone on the nightstand started to ring. "Really?" she groaned pulling away.

"Go ahead, answer it. I'll still be here," he gave her a sweet smile, of course with no teeth.

"Fine," Selena sighed and got off the bed to get the phone. "Dems, what's up?"

"I-I ne-ed y-you...." Demi's voice managed to get out, but it sounded like she'd been crying.

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