Wow that was fast....

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Me: *Looks at dare* Sans... We have the first few dares...

Sans: What are they?

Me: Read it yourself Fell and you guys will hate it I will love it. *pulls out camera and hands San the dare* Guys get in here we have dares!

 *pulls out camera and hands San the dare* Guys get in here we have dares!

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Sans: Oh god no

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Sans: Oh god no...
Geno: ........
Fell: What the actual Frick
Blue: I Really Do NOT like these dares...

Me: *pulls Micasa and Sinon out of a bush and hands them cameras*

Fell: I will kill you two.

Me: No you will do your dare first.

Fell: ....... *walks outside* GET DR.PHIL. THE MEMES ARE COMING!

Everyone: *cracking up laughing*
(Sorry if you don't get it)

Me: *wiping tears from her eyes* Ok now the second dare hehe

Sans: Hehe I found a loop hole *kisses Micasa* I kissed the person I wanna crush

Blue: *pulls US Chara out of a portal kisses her and pushes her back in* D-Done

Fell: *Kisses Blue and teleports elsewhere blushing*

Geno: *Kisses Cami* hehe *Blushes and hides in scarf*

Me: G-Geno? *Blushes and hides heads in hands*

Sans: Welp I'll do the outro since everyone's in a uh daze. Leave dares in the comments and thanks for reading Cya.

Truth Or Dare /w Undertale Friends.Where stories live. Discover now