Near Death (The Date PT 3)

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Freddy: *animatronic screams*

Fell: *grabs Blue and runs* Nope Nope Nope!

Me: *is still hiding under the table* Nooo

Sans: *pulls off the Freddy costume, smirking* Happy? I cosplayed.

Me:I hate you...

Geno: *Walks in dragging Fell and Blue* Sans I agree with her...

Fell: I hate this place.

Blue: *slightly shaking* Can we leave now please?

Me: Yep!

^back home with Sans tied up in a corner^

Geno: That wasn't as bad as I thought...

Fell: Are you Frikin serious!?

Blue: *is sitting on the kitchen eating all the cookies*

Me: Well guys, start leaving dares in the comments again! And leave a PUNinshment for Sans! *high fives Geno*

Blue: *groans and slams his head into the table*


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