Another Date

52 0 19

Me: *sleeping in the hiding spot*

Fell: *poke*

Me: *opens one eye* Go away.

Fell: You have to go do the dare midget.

Me: I'm not a midget!!!

Fell: Whatever. *drags me into the dare room*

Blue: Great you found her!

Sans: We had to check this date on your calender

Geno: *has his face covered with his scarf* Where are we going?

Me: Denny's!

Fell: That's not a-

Sans: Shhhhh

Blue: They don't serve tacos there...

Geno: *nods* Denny's sounds good

Me: Yay! *drags Geno through a portal*

Blue: Can we watch from a distance?

Fell and Sans: *nod*

*an hour into the date*

Sans: *pulls Fell down and whispers something to him*

Fell: Yes let's do it

Me: Umm Waiter?

Waiter(Sans): Ah yes madam, how can I help you?

Me: Can I have some water?

Waiter(Sans): Of course *goes off and comes back with water*

Me: Tha-

Waiter(Fell): *bumps me*

Waiter(Sans): *bumps Geno *

Geno: !???!

*Kiss scene*

Blue: *snaps the photo* Ship!

Me: Y-You thr-three are d-dead!

Fell: Sh*t! *teleports away with Blue and Sans*

Geno: .....

//////To Be Continued//////

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