The Date PT. 2- Fazbear ....

78 2 15

Me: Guys I'm gonna die

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Me: Guys I'm gonna die...
Sans: ...
Geno: ...
Fell: Finally!
Blue: That's not nice!

Me: Anyway I'm not going to die alone hehe *pulls Kirito out of a bush* The night guard here agreed to Sans letting us come at night...

Kirito: Wait WHAT!?!

Me: Well let's go!

Geno: How is this gonna be a date if we're all being chased by animatronics?

Sans: *shrugs*

^at Freddy Fazbears Pizzaria^

Me: ..... Here is my funeral....

Sans: If you survive can we leave Kirito here?

Me: of course but I think Ima die in the first hour.....

Blue: Fear not Cami I will protect you!

Geno: Same

Me: Thanks...


Me: This isn't to bad!

Geno: Where's Kirito

'Horrific girlish screams can be heard elsewhere'

Fell: I'm sure he's fine

Me: ;D Hehe

Sans: What's with that face..?

Geno: Run...

Me: Cosplay time!

Geno and Sans: Nope *run away*

Blue: Cosplay?

Fell: .....

Me: *hands them outfits and gets left all alone* Crap this was a bad idea....

Freddy: Dum de de Dum Dum~

Me: *hides under a table* No I don't wanna get ready for freddy...

Fell: *pokes her*

Me: *screams*

Blue: You okay Cami?

Me: *points behind him and Fell*


To be continued.

Truth Or Dare /w Undertale Friends.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant