Me: I feel like fangirling and making Blue cookies at the same time...
Sans: *sees dares* Yes!
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Fell: I. Hate. My. Life. Blue: Same... Geno: Wait Moonlightning how does that even work?
Me: Who Cares She's Fluffy!! *pets Moonlightning* Geno: Bad Cami *pulls her away* Me: Nuuuuuu
Sans: Well you two better go out on your date~
Fell: ..... Blue: .....
Me: *makes a drone follow them* Don't forget Blue you have to make puns!
Blue: ...... Why am I getting pun-ished....*is filled with regret*
Sans: Wait lets make this a double date!
Me: Wait what now? Geno: Sans don't you dare...
Sans: I'm the third wheel!
Fell: Screw you. Blue: This was a wheely ^really^ bad dare...*is dying on the inside* Me: *facepalms* Geno: *blushing in scarf*
Sans: Well guys, put a place for them to have dinner at down in the comments! I'm actually excited for this dare and you can watch how the double date turns out on the next page!
Me: *pushes Sans out of the way* Thank for reading guys and Kirito... I will get back at you... Bai!