Ⓐfter lunch, Baekhyun and Jongdae went back to class together, and this didn't go unnoticed by Chanyeol.
"You spent your lunchtime with Jongdae instead of me?" he pouted as soon as Baekhyun sat down on his seat.
"No, he came to me. If you came, I wouldn't chase you out either," he said, which wasn't entirely true. If Chanyeol did happened to have found him, he'd try and get away again.
"But you didn't tell me where you were going. You didn't even react when I called after you before you disappeared," he whined more.
"You called after me? Sorry, didn't hear that," he lied again. He did indeed hear, but once again ignored it.
There was silence before Chanyeol spoke up again. "Are you mad at me?"
That made Baekhyun turn around to look him directly in the eyes. "No, why do you think that?" he asked innocently.
"You know exactly why," he said, looking all serious all of the sudden. "You keep avoiding me. Did I do something wrong?" He paused for a second until he seemed to have remembered something. "Did you dislike our cuddling?" he asked with his puppy eyes.
Baekhyun had to look away to not let the other notice his blush and try to fantasise something that could be dangerous for the both of them. "N - no, I didn't," he whispered, barely audible, but obviously not loud enough as Chanyeol leaned even closer to him.
"What?" he asked for him to repeat himself.
"I said no," he repeated, louder this time, still blushing madly. God, why am I so embarrassed by this.
"Then what's the problem?" he asked again.
"I told you I'm not mad at you," he said again, more strictly, and he wasn't lying. Baekhyun was far from being mad at Chanyeol; he was mad at himself.
"Then why are you avoiding me?" he asked again, demanding an answer.
Baekhyun couldn't think of anything to defend himself with without telling Chanyeol the truth, but not long after, he was saved from the teacher entering the classroom, making everyone keep quiet to learn.
Throughout the class, Baekhyun felt Chanyeol's burning stare, and it made him incredibly uncomfortable. He knew the giant would approach him as soon as the class would end.
The pink male had to come up with a plan to escape, but his mind went blank. He couldn't think of anything to get away from the other.
"Are you gonna tell me now?" Chanyeol asked as soon as the teacher announced the class over.
Baekhyun had come up with the perfect plan: ignore him completely. Okay, it may not be the perfect plan, but it was the best he could come up with, although he knew Chanyeol wouldn't leave him alone that easily.
"Baekhyun?" he asked again, surprised the other didn't reply, nor react, at all. "Hello, earth to Baekhyunie?" Chanyeol kept on, watching his friend pack his books and standing up to head for his locker with the giant following behind him. "Are you ignoring me right now?" he asked. "You're so childish," he muttered with a snort. "But I know it's to make me stop following you, so I'm not giving up yet."
God, please just stop, Baekhyun thought to himself, this is so hard.
"Hey, did you hear what our teacher did earlier in class?" Chanyeol suddenly said, and Baekhyun almost gave in by replying, but held himself back. "She walked to the blackboard, and when she bent down to pick up the chalk she accidentally dropped, she let out a fart, but pretended like nothing, although her whole face went bright red," he told as he started chuckling as recalling the incident. "It's was so funny, but I felt bad for her," he laughed more.
Baekhyun admitted he also almost started laughing, because he had missed that after trying to come up the plan to escape from Chanyeol.
"Come on, don't tell me that mistake wasn't funny," he grinned. After no response from his friend at all, Chanyeol started to feel irritated by his behaviour. "Can you please tell me what I did wrong," he said all of the sudden. Baekhyun looked up at him surprised, expecting him to start whining or yelling at him; he could swear he saw some hint of tears in the giant's big eyes. "I know I did something, but I really don't know what I did. Please tell me how to fix it," he whispered teary-eyed.
I'm a horrible human being, Baekhyun thought, he's gonna hate me.
"Can you please leave me alone?" he muttered, avoiding looking at him. He knew if he looked Chanyeol in the eyes, he'd definitely either confess or start crying, which was exactly what he tried to avoid.
"Yeah, sure," he replied sadly, and then he turned around to walk the opposite way from the petite boy. I'm sorry Chanyeol.
After the last class had ended, Baekhyun could tell Chanyeol did his best to avoid Baekhyun. It's for the best, he thought, it's for the best for both of us.
"Baekhyun? Did something happen?" Jongdae asked as Baekhyun was walking towards the entrance door to get home after the school day.
"No?" he lied. Yes.
"Come on, don't lie," he insisted, "why do you and Chanyeol look like you just had a divorce?"
"What are you talking about?" Baekhyun frowned at him.
"Did you tell him? About your feelings?"
"No," Baekhyun said, "and I'm not going to, so please stay out of my way." He pushed Jongdae lightly away so he could continue walking, but Jongdae stepped in front of him again, more sternly that he previously did.
"What happened? Did you have a fight?" he asked again, still worried for his friend, but Baekhyun kept resisting.
"I said stay out of my way," he muttered and picked up his phase.
Jongdae watched his friend walking away from him from behind. He didn't understand why he was so different now from earlier during lunchtime.
"Did he say something to you?" Chanyeol had suddenly appeared by his side.
"You don't know what's with him either?" Jongdae asked confused.
"No," Chanyeol answered, "he just suddenly told me to leave him alone."
Jongdae sighed at his friend. "He's so stupid it's unbelievable," he muttered, mostly to himself although the other heard him as well. "Don't leave him alone. Always be by his side, okay?" he told the taller, "promise me Chanyeol."
The giant frowned down at him. "What do you mean? Will something happen?" he asked.
"Do you think I can predict the future?" he snorted. "Just, do what I say, okay?"
Chanyeol nodded. "Okay."

Tender Love ⚣ CB
FanfictionSinging was Byun Baekhyun's passion; music was his dream, and nothing could stand between him and it. But what would happen to his personal life when he coincidentally met a certain sad fragile male in his practice room? And what would happen when t...