Chapter fourteen: I love you (final chapter)

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Hello guys! As you can see in the chapter title, this is the last chapter of Tender Love. I hope you'll be enjoying the ending, so enjoy reading~ xx 


"Ⓦhy did you do that?" Baekhyun asked as Chanyeol had moved back so they could finally breathe again.

"You already know why I did that," Chanyeol said and smiled sweetly.

"Why do I find it so hard to believe you," Baekhyun whispered, mostly to himself, but Chanyeol heard as well.

"You still think I'm joking around?" Chanyeol asked surprise. What a dense kid, he thought to himself as he sighed. "Baekhyun, I'm in love with you. Maybe you don't believe me, but ever since I first saw you, I always wanted to approach you because I could see your loneliness in your eyes, but I was too scared. When I heard rumours about you and saw you being rude to the other kids, I thought maybe I didn't have a chance at all.

"And when I overheard you confess to that guy, I felt so sorry for you, but I couldn't bring myself to approach you, although I regret I didn't. And when we were paired to make this story in English and we became friends, I was so happy I could finally talk to you and spend time with you. You made me happier than you believe, and I wanted to make you happier as well, so I always tried to make you laugh and smile," Chanyeol confessed. He was staring into Baekhyun's eyes the whole time, and he could see he had nearly broken down in tears.

He was so shocked and surprised. "Are you serious right now?" he whispered, jaw hanging open to his lap.

"I am," he said and reached in for a kiss him again, but Baekhyun avoided it. "What's wrong?"

"I..." he started off, barely looking in the other male's eyes, "I can't," he breathed out heavily, like he was out of breath.

Chanyeol stared at him with wide eyes.

"Why not? Don't you feel the same way back?" he asked. "You literally said it a couple of minutes ago." Chanyeol waited patiently for Baekhyun's reply.

"It... It's just so weird. It's like kissing my best friend, but - "

"But you like it?" Chanyeol completed his sentence, and Baekhyun was unintentionally nodding, already admitting he has feelings for the other.

"Yes, I do."

"Then why did you move away?" he asked with furrowed eyebrows.

Baekhyun gulped, avoiding his gaze. "Because I'm scared," he muttered.

"Of what?" Chanyeol asked. "Of me?"

"Of getting hurt again," he answered honestly. Baekhyun was scared to death. He didn't want to get hurt again by the same reason as last time: loving.

"I promise you I won't hurt you like that guy," Chanyeol promised him and held out his pinky finger. "I will never do that to you."

Finally, a smile crept on the smaller male's lips. "Can I really accept your love Chanyeol? Can I trust you?" he asked.

Chanyeol's smile widen and nodded cutely. "You can trust me."

Baekhyun grinned as well and wrapped his pinky finger around Chanyeol's and connected their thumbs as a part of the promise, but it was also about trust.

"I love you Byun Baekhyun," Chanyeol whispered.

"I love you Park Chanyeol."

When Chanyeol tried again to kiss him again, Baekhyun didn't back off, but rather approached as well, and kissed him back, finally.

The weekend was over and the males went back to school again. Since Baekhyun lived closer to school, Chanyeol had spent the night over at his house so they could go together.

Baekhyun wanted to show off their relationship to Jongdae who was literally threatening Baekhyun he'd tell Chanyeol if he didn't himself. He couldn't wait to see the look on his friend's face.

"You ready?" Chanyeol grinned at his new boyfriend and held his hand outreached for him to hold onto.

Baekhyun grinned back at him. "Of course," he replied, grabbing his hand, and then they walked together through the entrance.

"Oh, so it worked to talk to him Chanyeol?" Jongdae asked as soon as he saw them walking beside each other, not spotting their intertwined hands yet. "I knew you were pissed, but I was sure you'd calm down after talking to him," Jongdae winked to Baekhyun, and somehow his eyes drifted downwards and he spotted their hands. "W - w - wait!" he suddenly yelled, like someone was holding a knife against his throat. "What's this? WHY ARE YOU HOLDING HANDS?" he screamed out, earning a few stares from students around in the hallway.

"Shut it Jongdae," Baekhyun snapped at him, but all Chanyeol did was grinning like the happiest child on earth.

"How come you're holding hands?" he asked again, but in a lower voice. "Did you confess to him?" he asked, directly towards the pink boy.

"I confessed first, and it went well from there," Chanyeol said with his grin, making Jongdae chuckle.

"Way to go giant," Jongdae grinned at him as he smacked him playfully on the arm, "I knew that wimp wouldn't do anything first."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Baekhyun snapped at him again and smacked him on the back of his head.

"It's exactly what it sounds like," he playfully growled back.

"I know what you mean," Chanyeol giggled as he rolled his eyes, "it was nearly impossible to get him to even believe me," he told him.

"No way," Jongdae gasped, totally ignoring the blushing smaller male that was trying to block his ears.

"Yes way!" Chanyeol gasped back, obviously exaggerating, "about seventy percent of his reponds were 'I don't believe you',"he chuckled, glancing at his boyfriend pleased and satisfied for his teasing.

"I hate you both," he muttered and tried to get away from them, but Chanyeol only wrapped his arms around him to stop him from walking any further.

"I love you too, little man," he teased.

Baekhyun snorted. "Giant..."

But Baekhyun's feelings were still there. He'd love this giant for a long time, that he knew.

The end. 


Hello guys! I hope you had fun reading this story! I'm sorry it's quite short and doesn't contain a lot of actions and details, but I'll be working on better books from now on. I guess fluff only doesn't work too well for me, but I still hope you enjoyed this story anyways. Thank you for reading, and I hope I'll see you again for my other stories as well .xx 

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