Pink Cheeks

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Harry's POV:

Everyone thinks they know everything in this town. Rumors spread like crazy. That's the downfall of being popular everyone's watching.

My best friends were Zayn, Louis, Niall, and Liam. They also had they're beautiful girlfriends. Me and Niall were the only single ones.

It's just I didn't want some stupid hookup I want to be in love with some-one that makes my day brighter.

Walking down the hallway I inhaled the many scents of girls, that had put on loads of perfume. My mind was far off that though, I wonder if Selena is here?

Does she even remember me, or my name?

All of a sudden I saw her. A beautiful girl in a baby pink sundress. Her dark, long, hair was curled loosely. She didn't have on much makeup, just lip gloss, and mascara. True Beauty.

She started making her ways towards me,"Hey Harry, how do I look?" she said twirling around laughing.

I bit my lip casually causing her to blush, "Oh ya know beautiful, what do you expect." Grinning again.

She looked down at her tan combat boots," Why thank you, so will you walk me to the English class." I nodded, but I couldn't help but not notice everyone staring at us. Girls giggled as I walk by, it's like they all wanted me.

I looked over at Selena who fiddling with her hair," So today at lunch your gonna sit with me right."she looked at me with her mocha eyes.

She laughed,"Well I owe you one. By they way that latte was amazing." she said smiling big.

I nodded confidently,"See I told you, if you hadn't met me your mouth would be heaven less." I said that and didn't realize how stupid that sounded.

She laughed her laugh was so cute and quirky," Maybe but maybe not. Anyway thanks for walking me to class." she said I frowned mentally knowing we were here.

I looked in the classroom," Yah good luck Mr.Crawford is a dick, but everyone will love you." she laughed and started walking in the classroom. She turned around to see if I was still looking. I smiled at her enchanting glow.

Now it was time for Physical Education the best class here. Now hopefully were playing soccer because that's all I'm interested in.


Selena's POV:

I walked into the classroom and soon felt empty again my mind went to last night. I had woke up in the middle of the crying, and I couldn't help it. I missed my family too much.

It's like the pain won't stop.

I took a seat in the back of the class next to a blonde who looked really nice. "Hi I'm Perrie Edwards you must be Selena. You're the girl that Harry wouldn't stop telling Zayn about." she said so casually.

Me blushing I asked,"Well what was he saying? Nothing bad right." I said grabbing my supplies out of my bag.

Kay Harry makes me feel great and beautiful but he probably finds me annoying. Great I screwed it up.

Perrie's eyes bugged out," Are you kidding me I think Harry's got a little bit of a crush on you. Zayns my boyfriend by the way." I liked this girl.

I started blushing,"Okay that's good." there was no way to hide my feelings toward Harry he was perfect.

Especially those eyes there killer, and his hair. I soon felt better thinking about Harry, and having Perrie talking to me.

Then a brunette came in to class," Hi I'm Eleanor, Louis girlfriend if you've met him. You must be Selena." she said very friendly like.

I was confused,"So do you two and the boys always hang out together?" I asked curiously.

Perrie nodded," Well yeah but there is Liam, and Niall too." She looked to Eleanor.She nodded ,"There is Lucy but we don't really talk to her, she's kind of bitchy. She's Liam girlfriend there just together because Liam is trying to forget about Danielle." I nodded taking in the information.

My jaw dropped," Lucy is my cousin but don't worry she is bitchy. Yesterday I saw her and Liam making out." the girls nodded.

Eleanor eyes were in shock,"Just can't believe that you two are related you're way I don't know more normal." she said laughing trying to spit the words out of her mouth.

We turned are attention to the teacher who started rambling on about english. My least favorite subject might I add. She was a boring teacher who made jokes that she only laughed at.

Typical really.

Finally after I'd almost fell asleep the bell rang, causing me to jump."Whats your next class?" Perrie asked as we all three walked out of the class together.

I looked at my schedule which was crinkled up,"Looks like I have Math yah, I mate math I suck at it." I said rolling my eyes.

Eleanor clapped her hands," Well me and Perrie have that next, at least it won't be boring." she said.Perrie nudged me,"And all the boys have that class next to." she said smiling.

Oh so I would see Harry I really am liking Washington Heights High school.

I walked into the math class I saw all the boys and girls in a corner. Perrie pointed to my seat. Which was right next to Harry.

I sat down and looked over at Harry who just seemed so calm,"So I see you met the girls." he said nudging his shoulders.

I nodded,"Yeah they're super nice, and pretty welcoming and stuff."

He flipped his hair in quick way,"So this weekend guys camping who's up to go Hell." I was confuse how can you use hell and camping in the same words.

Zayn perked up,"Yes we have to the weather will be perfect and there's a lake.I'm Zayn by the way."He said nudging Perry in the arm. All the boys were good looking and the girls.

I looked at Harry who was looking really happy,"What's Hell?" I asked.

Louis I'm guessing since him and Eleanor were kissing just a second ago jumped in," It's this beautiful place we only know about it. There's a little lake a cave and it's just ahhhh."

Harry looked at me waiting for a response," You can come if you want? Not like as a date, unless if you wanted it to-" he said rubbing his his neck.

But I quickly cut him off," I'd love too, when do we leave." his cheeks turned a deep red causing me laugh a little.

Liam looked at me recognizing me from yesterday,"Well since today's Wednesday, and we don't have school on Fridays. Will Leave Friday morning." We all nodded.

But we had to get off that subject and turn to face the teacher. Who started a lecture instantly.


Harry's POV:

We walked into the lunchroom which was pretty packed except are table which was waiting for us.

I decided to hold Selena's hand and she let me, looking up and smiling at me. I really was happy she said yes and was gonna come to Hell. Plus were gonna share a tent which is a plus too.


It was finally the end of the day and I met Selena by her locker."Hi, so what are you doing after school?" she said looking at me with her beautiful eyes.

I laughed,"Well nothing what are you doing?" I asked trying not to act overly excited.

She shut her locker door and she started heading for the doors,"Well I talked to Lucy apparently they have some old camping stuff in the garage. But I might need a little help getting it. and packing cause I've never camped before." she said I dropped my mouth in a way dramatic way to make her laugh.

She did laugh of course,"Are you serious, but yeah I'll come over and help ya out."I said we both made it to our cars.

We decided I just follow her there. Once I finally was there we both hopped out of the car. She told me to follow her. We made are way up long long stairs, and turned into A beautiful room.

I sat on her comfy bed,"Wow your room is pretty cool." I said I liked how it reminded me of and olden room.

She smiled looking through her closet,
"Thanks I like all the white it makes it seem so pure and beautiful."she reminded me of pure and beautiful.

I nodded she took out a big duffle bag, "So what will I need?"she asked me standing up I walked over to her.

My smile grew bigger,"Well you'll need the cutest bathing suit of course."I said in deep tone taking a step closer.

She smiled looking up,"You're really tall you know that right." she said still staring up at me. She inched up on her tippy toes and she pressed her lips against mine.

I placed my hands on her waist as I continued the kiss. Sparks were in seriously my head. It felt like fireworks were going off. After about a minute she pulled away her eyes still closed. She looked beautiful.

She opened up her eyes and smiled," Well I better go and get that bathing suit." she said walking over to her dresser.

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