Excuse Me

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" So last night what do you remember?"

"I don't really remember anything."

" Well you ended up in your bra."

I cover my face with my hands, could this be anymore embarrassing.

"Don't worry you looked way hot."

I let a faint laugh escape my mouth, "Good observer-- I talked to Liam about Lucy."

Harry's face becomes concerned," Wait what did he say?" this was one of his best friends after all.

I turn down the radio," Well he's still heartbroken, and I feel so bad." I say looking at the new town we were entering.

"Yeah Danielle was the love of his life?"

" I told him he deserves better than Lucy, and I think he took it to heart."

"Wait when did you talk to him?"

"Well he spends a lot of time at our house so this morning?" I say innocently cause I was innocent.

"Oh he hasn't tried anything with you right?" he says trying slide the question in smoothly.

Wait was he serious.

My mouth drops open a little,"No Harry I didn't cheat on you if that's what your getting at."

He pulls into the Lyman High School. He then takes the keys out of the ignition," I'm sorry okay can we forget about that?"

"Okay but you have to start trusting me please?" I say staring back at him.

He nods and keeps staring he comes closer and kisses me it sends sparks everywhere.

I pull away biting my lip. I look down but he tips my chin upward. " Is it bad we've only known each other for two weeks and I love you." The butterflies didn't stop.

I love you. It kept repeating in my mind. I love you. Then it hit me in the face I love him. Wow I love him.

"I love you too!"I say brushing my hands through his hair.

"Good." he says laughing.

We walk onto the soccer field hand in hand. "Hey guys sorry were late." I sit down on the blanket.

I watch how the game has already started. "Well where were you guys?" Miley asks.

I look at her and glare, " Well to be honest we were making out in the car... lost track of time I guess?" I reply bluntly.

Demi looks at me and mouths 'Nice One!" and laughs.

Minutes later later all of us were screaming," Come on Louis lets go! Let's go come on!" We all started clapping and jumping.

Louis made a goal, another goal, and another. " Oh my god he's the best soccer player on the team!" Liam yells over the cheering crowd.

"Hell yeah he is!" Harry says clapping.

Today was just a great day, I lay my head on Harry's legs. Its almost 3, I plop some cotton candy in my mouth. Harry opens his mouth, and I put some in his mouth.

"It's good right?" I laugh as I put

another piece in his mouth.

"Yeah you taste better though." he leans over and kisses me.

"Man you're cute!" I say sitting up.

"Hey look the games over and we won!" Eleanor jumps up and down.

Louis runs over to us sweating a bunch, but smiling with joy. We all clap and stand up.

"Good job Louis!" I yell over everyone.

"Thanks, what should we do guys I don't want to go home?" he whines.

"Let's go to a movie!" Demi yells.

"What movie should we see!" I say looking at Harry.

" There's Catching Fire?" Liam says.

"Yep lets go!" Elenoar tugs Louis to his car and I do the same to Harry.

" This movie theater is awesome they have recliners for two or one?" I clap my hands.

"Oh fun, wait do you have a blanket back here somwhere?" I reach in his backseat.

I feel a small bag and I pull it up." Hey don't be sneaky!"He says snatching it out of my hands and laughing.

"Wait what is it?"

"You'll find out, was there a blanket back there?" he try's and change the subject.

Wonder what he got me it was a Tiffany & CO. bag. "Yeah there is!" I put the soft blanket in my lap.

"Babe what do you want?" Harry's pulls out his wallet. I laugh as he puts his hand around my waist.

" Ahh I just want popcorn please!" I say trying to be as nonchalant as I can be.

"Of course, Can we get a .large popcorn and a large Dr. Pepper please?" he then pulls out his money.

Everyone else is already in the movies watching commercials. The lady hands him are drink and I grab the overfilled popcorn and steal a bite.

We decide to sit in the recliner next to Liam and Lucy then Niall and Demi. I sit down in the big recliner. I pull the blanket over me and Harry's legs. He then wraps his arm around me and I lay my face on his chest.

The movie is starting but my eyes were staring to close. I let myself drift away as I smelt the cologne Harry was wearing.

" Selena wake up!" I feel someone patting my leg. I lift my head off of Harry's chest.

"Did I fall asleep through the whole movie?" I say rubbing my hair.

He starts laughing, "Yeah you slept like a baby, maybe cause you were with me." he say taking a sip of Dr. Pepper.

I stretch my back," Maybe was the movie good?" I look up at the black screen.

"Yeah it was I wanted to cry but you know us men!" he say flexing his muscles.

" Yep got to stay tuff, wait where's everyone?" I say looking at all the empty seats.

"I let you sleep for a couple more minutes, but I have a question?" He looks away shyly.

I nod kind of scared of what he'll say.

"Will you be my girlfriend Selena?" he says still blushing.

" Of course!" I giggle covering my mouth. He then pulls out a blue box with a white bow on it. He hands it to me smiling really big.

" You didn't have to get me anything Harry!" I say holding it in my hands.

" I love you now open it!" I open the blue box and find a charm bracelet. It was gold and had like 10 charms on it.

" Oh my gosh it's beautiful I pull it out of the box. I love it Harry!" I slide it on my wrist.

" I picked out all the charms myself."

" You're so sweet!" I pull him into a kiss. I hear a grumble in the background.

" Excuse me I'm gonna have to ask you guys to exit the theater!" A man says with a broom in his hands.

We start laughing," Sorry thanks for having us!" Harry says grabbing the popcorn, and my hand. I take the blanket and we walk out of theater.


Sorry if it's not good school is crazy. I hate my science teacher he's literally a walking "dick face"😷😷

Anyway thanks for everything😘

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