Goodnight Babe

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Selena's POV:

Did I really just have my first kiss. Was it just me or did he feel those sparks too. It was everything I've ever imagined ya know, kind of like in a book.

I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a white bikini. It had gold studs, and it made me look hot. It was my favorite and the cutest. I showed it to Harry is eyes got big and he nodded I threw it him as he put it in my bag.

I laughed,"So this town it's so quiet, almost too quiet. Come on there's gotta be some town secret. No." I asked while throwing some shorts and into my bag.

Harry grabbed a pair of my flip flops and stuffed them in my bag," No just that there's nothing really fun to do unless you drive outta here." he said concentrated on folding a towel.

I watched him furrow his eyebrows," Oh well I'm super excited for this weekend. It couldn't come any faster." I said throwing my last things in my duffle bag.

Harry took a step towards the door," You have no idea on how much fun you'll have. Plus I'll be there." he said cockily.

I laughed,"Yah that's a small bonus I guess." I said walking past him as we raced each other to each other all the way to the garage.

My white socks slid on the wood floor, and Harry grabbed my waist holding me back. He spun me around, and started leaning in. He the jetted out of my grip,"You totally fell for that!" he said pointing at me and laughing.

Is it my fault I wanted another kiss and badly his lips were perfect against mine. Honestly.

I walked down the rest of the hallway as he held the door open,"Why thank you sir." I said in a British accent as I curtsied holding my pink dress.

He bent over to bow,"Your very welcome madam." he replied in an even hotter British accent.

I couldn't help but laugh we walked into the garage which was cold on my feet. It felt good though.

I walked around looking around the boxes,"Okay so I know I don't have a sleeping bag, is that okay?" I asked looking through a box of Halloween stuff.

He smiled as he held up a sign that said free booze,"Yeah I'll bring one for you, but as long as your bring the booze." I held a police hat on my head."Nope not in my town." We were having to much fun being bored.


We had spent a good two hours looking around at stuff I found nothing. Harry had to go home for dinner. It was later than I thought it was.

I decided to walk Harry out to his car,"I really like your car, it just screams mmm, I don't even know?" I said placing my hand on the baby blue jeep.

He leaned against the car putting one foot against the tire,"Got this last year for my birthday it's my baby." he's said pulling me in for a hug.

I wrapped my hands around his body that was filled with warmth. I placed my head on his chest," I can feel your heart beating are you nervous." I said not moving out of the spot.

He held me tighter," Me nervous no way. I am a little nervous to do what I'm about to do though." he said pulling my head off his chest with his hand.

He looked at me with his green eyes as if asking if he could kiss me. I nodded quickly as if saying yes.

Moving my lips towards his I came in closer allowing his lips to touch mine.

Our lips started moving back and forth. He placed his tongue on my lips asking for entrance. I gladly excepted him, I've never felt this way. I couldn't explain it if I tried.

We couldn't stop even if we tried he held my hips pushing me in closer to him. All of sudden I felt bright light on me. I closed my eyes resting my head on his chest,"Please tell me I'm imagining this." I whispered giggling.

He placed his hand on my hair patting it down." If I didn't know any better that's Liam and Lucy." He said as I saw them both walking up the driveway.

Liam had a big warm smile on his face. "Hey Hazza, and Selena. I see you two are getting pretty friendly." he said wrapping his arm around Lucy's waist.

I looked up at Harry who was rolling his eyes. Before he could say anything I snapped back with,"Well what were you and Lucy planning on doing?" I said eyeing Lucy. It was hard though cause it was almost pitch black outside.

I could see Lucy roll her eyes though, "Ewa Liam lets just go pack okay. They both bother me." she said in her snobby voice.

Harry looked at me with a bothered face," What are you packing for?" he said looking at Liam in a pissed sorta way. I held on to Harry tighter as gust of wind came by.

Lucy's smile became gleaming,"Oh didn't he tell you I'm coming camping with you guys!" she said as she pulled on Liam's arm weakling him up to the house.

We watched as they closed the door Harry looked down at me," I can stay longer if you want?" I looked up at the blackish purple sky.

I opened up his car door," Harry I've kept you long enough with that amazing kiss, and then them." I said gushing as he sat down in the seat of his car.

He smiled starting it up,"Yeah well the kiss was worth it. I'll see you tomorrow right?" he said looking at me with huge smile.

I started walking up the driveway I yelled back,"Promise." I said smiling.

He laughed closing his door and pulling out of the driveway. I looked back playing with my locket and I gave him a big smile. He smiled back giving me a wave. "Bye" I whisper.

I made my way up to the door walking into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottled water and a apple.

I touched my lips bringing back memories of the kisses they shared today. I walked upstairs feeling like a princess, in a Disney movie.

I turned the corner to see Liam and Lucy making out in the hallway. They didn't stop on my watch though. They opened a door leading to a closet I'm pretty sure. I could hear things falling of shelves and such.

I walked I'm room closing my door I opened up my balcony. Which it was gorgeous all the stars were amazing.

I slid my dress off putting on a big t-shirt that looked like another dress. Except ugly. I brushed my hair out. Then finally sitting on my bed I took a bite of my apple.

Reaching out for my phone I decided to text Harry.

Me: How was dinner? Delicious or scrumptious😋

Harry: Delicious you need to come over some time?😏

Me: I will someday. Liam and Lucy I swear to god are having sex in a closet right down the hall from me.😷

Harry: You sure you don't want me to come over?

Me: Nope it's okay I'm going to bed anyways real soon. Lucy just pisses me off.

Harry: Why would Liam invite her camping, I might go crazy.

Me: Yeah for reals. Anyways see tomorrow. Goodnight💋

Harry: Goodnight babe💘

Oh my gosh he's so cute I'm lucky.

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