Strawberries & Sleepovers

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Waking up to Harrys arms wrapped around my waist, nothing better. I let out tiny huff as I realize I'm awake.

After what happened last night, just being with him made it better. This was the first time I've ever slept over at a boys house. We didn't do anything except sneak cute kisses.

Man I'm lucky to have such a good boyfriend, friends... Demi. I need to call her and thank her. She practically saved me from that douche named Justin.

Harry pulls me closer to him, "Good morning beautiful!" he says in a deep tone and kisses me on the cheek.

As if I wasn't blushing already before that. " Good morning handsome, how'd you sleep?" I ask turning my body to face his.

" Great actually because you were here." my heart beats super fast at the thought.

I smell coffee, " Were lucky your mom didn't come check on you?" I sit up and feel his big shirt on my body.

He sits up after me and I admire him in his cute red boxers. " No they never check up on me, What do you want for breakfast?" he asks hopping off his bed.

" Oh no you don't have to make anything!" I shake my head back and forth.

He reaches out his hand and pulls me off the bed. I rush my hands through my hair. We walk down the stairs and luckily no one is here.

" Your parents are never here are they?" I ask as I hop into the counter. He opens up the fridge.

" There never home but it doesn't bother me." He shrugs his shoulders.

" It just seems a little lonely in this big house!" I watch as he pulls out done fruit from the fridge.

" Here try this it's the best strawberry ever, come on try it" I open my mouth and take a bite.

I lick my lips and smile," That was so good!" He finishes off the strawberry.

" You've got something on your lips." he brushes his fingers across my lip. I look down at his fingers, and smile.

He comes closer and presses his lips against mine. I wrap my arms around his neck. He places his hands on my waist, and starts kissing my neck gently I smile as he continues.

I slide my fingers down his back. He lets out a deep moan. I cup his face in my hands and stare into his green eyes. I go into a kiss with him, but pull my lips back slightly. And then kiss him.

He slides his hands slightly up my shirt, and I giggle a little. I slide off the big t-shirt. He starts kissing my shoulders. I slide the bra strap off my shoulder, and let him kiss me.

Suddenly I hear a door open and keys jingle. I jump off the counter. "Shit!" Harry whispers.

" Here hide, hide in here!" I jump into the closet and leave cracked like it was. Harry's dad walks into the kitchen with a confused look on his face.

" Hi son where are your clothes?" he notices Harry just in his red boxers.

" Oh umm I umm just woke up yeah!" Man he's the worst liar ever.

" How's your grades Harry?" he looks through a pile of mail, and opens some of them.

"Oh ugh good mostly As and Bs!" He glances over at the closet I'm in.

" Okay well I just came to drop off the mail better get back to work!" Harry's dad grabs a water out if the fridge, and smiles.

" Oh Kay well see you dad!"

" Bye Harry oh and bye Selena!" he yells as he walks out the door. I throw my hand over my mouth.

Harry opens the closet door all the way. We both crack up laughing and he pulls me into hug.

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