I'm A Pro

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Finally it was Friday I had all my stuff packed for Perrie's. It was strictly a girls night. Over this week we've all been so completely absorbed with are boyfriends.

Which I can't complain.

I put on a pair of jean shorts, a crop top, and my beautiful converse. I grabbed my bag, and backpack.

Walking downstairs it was fairly quiet, Linda was out of town. Lucy was probably still pampering herself like always. By the way her and Miley have formed some sorta "bitch squad" now.

I've been pretty much ignoring there rude comments about me and Harry.


Walking into the school now is easy, I really like here. It's almost like home. Home because I know I have people by my side.

I open up my locker and grab my books. These lockers were so tiny though, and ugly. I start making my way over to my friends and Harry.

I smile at him," Hey guys what's up?" I ask looking around.

Eleanor jumps up and down," Nothing just freaking out about tonight?" all the boys faces dropped.

Harry gave me a confused look, " Wait what's tonight?" I totally forgot to even mention it so did everyone else apparently.

I laugh a little," Well were having a girls night strictly girls!" I say pointing at the boys.

Niall laughs," Boys night then come to my place!" they all hooted and laughed.

Two can play this game.


"Are you sure you don't want to just ditch, and go do something?" Harry said taking my hands.

I look at the girls getting in Perries car." Tempting... but I'll see you tomorrow!" I laugh my hands wresting around his shoulders.

He leans in to kiss me," Ughh fine. Have fun though!" He mumbles the last part.

Man he's so cute," Bye Harry!" I say walking away.

Sitting in the car we all start laughing," I can't believe we have the house to ourselves!" Eleanor screams.

I laugh a little," Were gonna have a party! I'm so excited!" I yell over blaring music.

We all laugh," Damn right we are!" Demi screams.

We start dancing to Timber," And no parents or boys but I've got beer!" Perrie says as we pull into her driveway.

Her house was just as big as mine well Linda's. We walk through the front door and make are way too her room.

She starts rummaging through drawers," We should change into are comfy clothes." We all drop are bags.

I pull out a pair of black pj short shorts, and this neon pink crop top and slide them both on. I think I'm obsessed with crop tops literally.

I laugh a little as we look in the mirror," Damn we look hot for comfy girls!" Tonight is going to be crazy I can tell.

We run into the kitchen and I plop myself on the counter, and so does Demi.

Perrie pulls out bottles of wine from a cabinet," We each get our own!" She says passing them out.

I take the bottle in my hand there's a first for everything." Be careful it'll get everywhere!" Eleanor says as I try to open it.

When the cork pops off luckily it didn't explode but just fizzed. I take the bottle to my lips and start drinking it first burns my throat and I want to puke. But then it starts to taste really I mean really good.

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