Chapter 3

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"(Y/n), (Y/n)!" My eyes cracked open to the sound of my name being called. I could hear rain too.

I got up and opened the closet door. I saw Jack curled up with his knees to his chest, he was crying and sniffling and he jumped and started it shake when a flash of lightning came from outside his window.

I quickly made my way to his side. Its been about 3 weeks now since I first met Jack. His birthday pasted by a few week ago, he told me he was 7 now.

"(Y/n)!" I felt him latch himself onto me once he saw me.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong, why are you crying, your not allowed to cry." I told him softly as I sat down on his bed with him next to me.

"I-I'm scared, and I had a nightmare." He paused and sniffled. "Y-you left me, and I tried to go with you, but you kept getting farther away. I-I tried to tell you to come back, b-but you w-were gone." He broke into a sobbing mess and his grip tightened around me.

I wrapped my arms around him as I placed him in my lap and scooted back on the bed until my back hit bed-board.

"A-and when I woke up, you weren't here, so I got scared that you were gone."

"But I'm here, I'm not going anywhere...not for a long time." I said softly as I looked away from Jack.

I looked back down at him to see him looking up at me. "But, you can't leave me, never-ever. We're best friends, and you said that you would never leave. You have to promise that you won't leave."

"But Jack, after awhile you'll get bored of me and grow up, get a job, and maybe even a girlfriend." I knew that I was thinking to far into the future, but I didn't want to make a promise that I couldn't keep.

"No, I'm never getting a girlfriend. Now promise that you won't leave." He shook his head stubbornly.


"Promise me."

"But I can't."

"Yes you can, now promise me that you'll never leave."

I sighed in defeat. "I...I promise that I will never leave, and will your best friend for as long as you want."

He grinned up at me and nodded in satisfaction. "I want you to be my best friend forever."

A crack of thunder shook the house and he buried his face into my side.

"There's no reason to be scared Jack. The thunder that you hear, is just the sky clapping with joy. It's happy because new life has been brought into this world."

"A-and what about the Lightning?"

"Well, the Lightning is the new spirits landing on the ground, they came a long way, and hit the ground so hard that light trails behind them."

Jack looked up in amazement. "And what about the rain, what is it?"

"I'm not sure, you could look at it two different ways. Either the sky is weeping tears of joy because some of the spirits of this world are return to the sky to stay, or the sky and some spirits are sad and are crying tears of sorrow because they are leaving what they love behind to be with the sky."

Jack nodded and placed his head on my stomach. "C-can you sing to me?" He yawned and closed his eyes.

"Of course." I said softly.

I cleared my throat before starting.

"Little child, be not afraid
The rain pounds harsh against the glass
Like an unwanted stranger
There is no danger
I am here tonight

Little child
Be not afraid
Though thunder explodes
And lightning flash
Illuminates your tearstained face
I am here tonight

And someday you'll know
That nature is so
This same rain that draws you near me
Falls on rivers and land
And forests and sand
Makes the beautiful world that you see
In the morning

Little child
Be not afraid
The storm clouds mask your beloved moon
And its candlelight beams
Still keep pleasant dreams
I am here tonight

Little child
Be not afraid
The wind makes creatures of our trees
And the branches to hands
They're not real, understand
And I am here tonight

And someday you'll know
That nature is so
This same rain that draws you near me
Falls on rivers and land
And forest and sand
Makes the beautiful world that you see
In the morning

For you know, once even I
Was a little child
And I was afraid
But a gentle someone always came
To dry all my tears
Trade sweet sleep the fears
And to give a kiss goodnight

Well, now I am grown
And these years have shown
Rain's a part of how life goes
But it's dark and it's late
So I'll hold you and wait
'til your frightened eyes do close

And I hope that you'll know
That nature is so
This same rain that draws you near me
Falls on rivers and land
And forests and sand
Makes the beautiful world that you see
In the morning

Everything's fine in the morning
The rain will be gone in the morning
But I'll still be here in the morning."

When I finished singing I looked down and saw Jack fast asleep. I sadly smiled at him before gently pushing him off me and stood up.

"Jack, I'll be your best friend until the end of your days, even if you think I'm a monster, and I'll never forget you." I promised quietly.

I placed the covers over him and decided to sleep on the floor next to him, since it was one of the last times I possibly could.

'Why does the world have to be so cruel, I didn't mean to do it, it was an accident.'


The rain, Thunder, and Lightning thing was something that I made up.

And there's going to be a few more chapters in this story.

And what's your secret that made you change into a monster?

Night Time Terrors (Child Jacksepticeye x Monster Reader)Where stories live. Discover now