Chapter 2

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The picture has nothing to do with anything, it just makes me laugh.

"Ok Jack, you can unpack your own boxes, right?"

"Of course I can, I'm a big boy."

I opened my eyes when I heard a laugh and the sound of the door closing. I peeked out of the closet and saw the boy, that was asleep on the mattress last night.

His back was facing me, so I crept out of the closet and closed the door behind me quietly. He looked like he was struggling to pick up a box.

"Do you need any help with that?" I asked with a smile.

He jumped and spun around, the box coming out of his grip.

My eyes widened as I darted to caught the box before it hit the floor, I don't need any loud noises that would alert his parents.

"Who are you!?" I turned to him and set the box down, he stared in awe at me.

"Good question, but first, what's your name?" I smiled down at him, trying to look as friendly as possible.

"M-my names Sean, but my mommy and daddy call me Jack."

I bent down to his size and held out my hand for him to shake. "Well hi Jack, I'm (Y/n), and there's no need to be shy."

He smiled and shook my hand. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I'm here to be your friend, to make sure your never sad or lonely, and to help you with these boxes." I smiled and stood up before gesturing to all the boxes that filled his room.

Jack nodded and went back to unpack boxes. I walked back to the box that he throw at me and started to unpack it.

_______-/Time skip to when your almost finished unboxing\-_______

We were almost finished when I heard a woman yell from down stairs. "Jack, dinners ready!"

I watched as he ran for the door, but stopped and turned to face me. "Will you still be here when I come back?"

"Of course, go and eat." I told him. He smiled and nodded before running out of the room.
I could hear his little footsteps as he went down the stairs.

Turning my head away from the door, I walked to the closet and opened the door, but stopped when I heard my name. I shook my head and closed the door behind me and sat down.

'He must be telling his parents about me.'

It's what always happens, the kid would tell their family about me, but they would just brush it off, thinking I'm just an imaginary friend, eventually forgetting about me, and then when the month is over, they wouldn't even think it was me.

I was thrown off my train of thought when I heard Jack's voice. Damn, he's a fast eater.

"(Y/n), (Y/n)? Where are you, you said you'd be here when I got back!"

I could hear the panic in his voice. I silently exited the closet...again.

"I'm right here."

He gasped and spun around. "I thought you went away!"

"Now why would I do that? I told you that I was your friend, I would never leave you."

He nodded and looked down. I bent down to his level and lifted up his head before asking. "What's wrong Jack?"

"When I eating, I told my parents about you, but they just laughed. I tried to tell them that you helped me with the boxes, but they didn't listen and just told me to finish eating."

"What's so bad about that?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

"They don't believe me, and don't think that your real." Jack said before sniffling.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't cry, I don't care if they don't think I'm real. It doesn't bother me, so it doesn't matter." I said, my eyes widened as I started to panic.

I did the only thing I knew that would calm anyone down, I hugged him. I could hear his muffled cry's as he buried his face into my shoulder.

We stayed like this until his crying stopped and became hiccups. I pat his back and pulled away, he had snot running down his face, his eyes were red, along with his face.

"Hey, don't cry. Your not supposed to cry. I here to make you happy and smile, laugh, and all that fun stuff, so please don't cry." I said as I wiped the tears that were on his cheeks. I'm not going to touching his nose, I'm not good with snot.

(Actually true, I can't even look at it without my stomach flipping)

He nodded with a small smile. I watched as he yawned and tried to keep his eyes open. I chuckled and stood up. He lifted his arms up, as a signal for me to pick him up. I did and walked over to his mattress and laid him down.

His sleeping form reminded me of the little girl. I frowned and pulled the covers over him before walking away to the closet.

He slept for the rest of the day, along with the night and I did to.

Short chapter. I hope your enjoying it so far.

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