Katrina the baby.

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Rain. That's all THats all that's been happening here. Maybe the occasional Bob Bob eating a hoddie joke. I was talking on the phone with Bella. She's telling me about her day. And how her best friends boyfriend wants to kill her brother. (Yep) Bella and I are planing to go to a movie tomorrow (that shall be in another update) we chose the movie and everything. I get a text from Bon Bon.

Bon: yellow baby.
Me: I am not ur baby.
Bon: yeah yeah so want to go eat out.
Me: uhhhhh no. Sorry I'm busy today.
Bon: oh.
Me: yepedoodle (wha???)

I get off the phone. Eh might as well kill now. I put on my (clothes) and grab my (weapon) (and put on your mask if you wear one.) I walk out the mansion and follow EJ who is walking to a house. He goes in one room I go in another. I stalk up to the room it's a baby's room. I pick up the baby and sigh. It was a baby girl. She was About 1 year I couldn't kill her. I held her in my arms and ran out the house. I found a cabin in the woods. It was abandoned. I sigh. I stare at the crying baby (if u wear a mask it's off) I comfort it. I'm only (age). I make it some formula. When it's eaten I go to a space on the cabin which will be her room. I find a small crib and go to put it together. When it's together i pick her up and walk to the store. She is snuggling against me. I hear light snores by my ear. I also go to the adoption faculty and adopt her (it took a fake ID ;) ) When I get to the store I go to the baby isle. I got money from the agency. I put the baby in the basket. I grab some clothes, diapers, toys, and a baby stroller. We check out and I walk back to the cabin with her in the stroller (it fits up to 5 year olds) I smiles and pull her out the stroller.
"Mama?" She says. "Mama's dead." She giggles slightly. "You new mama" she smiles. I smile back. I put her down and she goes into what's gonna be my room. I run after her and pick her up.
"Now baby girl. What's your name?" I ask.
"Ka. Trin. A (Katrina)," she says kinda messing up at the end.
"Okay Kat. You go play with your toys, while Mommy is gonna build her room." She smiles and walks to the toys. I spend the day cleaning up the cabin and building my room set. By sunset I finish cleaning the house and make dinner. I made Chicken. When Katrina was done eating I give her a bath and put her to bed. When she fell asleep I go and take a shower and fall asleep.

(Heh guys! Here's a little story about Katrina

Katrina was a baby who was abused. Eyeless Jack and (cp/n) go to kill a family one night. (Cp/n) couldn't stand seeing her like that. So (cp/n) ran off with Katrina. (Cp/n) find a cabin in the woods. It was part of slenders land. Slender provides everything she needs. (Cp/n) will raise Katrina to be a perfect child in (cp/n)'s eyes. And (cp/n) is a killer. )

(580 pulse the extra small story within a story! Yep! So Katrina will be in the Story more often. I will add small chapters of when Katrina is older, younger, etc. Katrina will grow up to be a beautiful creepypasta. Soo when you guys are away slender will care for the child. Annnnddddddd that's all I really have to say. Sooooo by guys!

Next update: let's try tomorrow or Wednesday. Cause don't forget we still need to go to the movies!)

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