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The Birch's house is only a block away. I make it in less than five minutes, sprinting the entire way. I get strange looks from people as they pass by with their dogs or kids. I ignore their glares as I reach the Birch's driveway. 

Their house is like any other middle class home. It's a three bedroom house that is perfect to play hide and seek in. The off-white colored house has so many memories scripted into the walls that it hurts to look at. Mr. Birch's old pick-up sits in the driveway. I remember Amy and me sitting in the back as her older brother, Jared, would drive us around an empty field at full speed; Amy and I falling and laughing in the hatchback.

Without my control, my legs start up the driveway until I'm facing their front door. The old oak door is dirty. It's covered in dirt and muck. Probably for the extensive times Amy and I would play in the mud and lean against the door when her parents wouldn't let us in. Amy would always complain because the dirt was gross, but deep down, I knew she didn't mind. 

I knock before my tears start again. A moment later, the door swings open. Standing in the doorway, shockingly, is Jared. Jared is Amy's older brother. He looks different then I remember. He's taller, standing at about six foot three, he has Amy's same black hair that is buzzed short except for the front where it's about an inch longer and is spiked up, he has her same mint eyes, and his skin is dark from being in the sun. His attire just screams Jared. He's wearing a light blue button down shirt, matched with a pair of cargo shorts.

"Ser?" he asks, dumbfounded.


"I thought you were in-"

"JDC?" I finish for him. 

He nods.

"Yeah, I, uh, I got out yesterday."

He doesn't answer, he just pulls me into a hug. My arms snake around his waist as he holds me to him. I've never really hugged Jared before. Since he's a year older than me, and my best friends brother, I always avoided interacting with him in that way. It's silly, but that's how I am.

His warm breath fans my neck.

"I'm so happy your here," he whispers.

"Me too," I mumble into his shoulder.

As we pull away, a figure appears behind Jared. The broad shouldered shadow steps closer so they are out of the shadows. Mr. Birch's face is what I see, and my heart breaks. His face is pure hurt, as if my presence is bringing back unwanted memories. I wouldn't doubt it.

"Mr. Birch," I say.

"Serendipity," he answers, his voice sound, relieved? "I always loved your name."

He chuckles, pulling me into a bone crushing hug. Although I can't breath, I don't tell him that. I need this hug. He pulls away and smiles as he cups my cheeks with his hands.

"We've missed you!" he exclaims. "Tammy is out at the moment. She should be back soon. When did you get out? Please, don't tell me you escaped." I laugh as he pulls me further into the house, Jared following close behind. Mr. Birch leads me into the kitchen where a pot is cooking on the stove. 

"No sir, I did not escape," I confirm. "I was released yesterday." 

I sit on the bar stool that is lined up with the island in the middle of the kitchen. Mr. Birch stirs whatever he is cooking in the pot and Jared sits next to me. I flash him a small smile which he returns. 

"We are having dinner in a bit, would you like to join us?" Mr. Birch offers.

"Oh, no! I couldn't possibly! I don't want to be in the way." 

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