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I know the last couple of chapters are a bit confusing with the whole Ser kissing Jared then telling Sharon that she shouldn't like him like that. Then Lawrence kisses her... twice. It will all unfold the way it should, trust me.

Okay, I won't bother you! Onto the story!



"Lawrence, if you don't slow the hell down I will kill you!" I scream over the roaring wind.

"Calm down! Live a little!" Lawrence has been going at unbelievable speeds since we left the police station. I thankfully got a quick glance at the speed limit sign which said the maximum speed is thirty-five miles per hour. We are at least going twice that speed. Since we aren't on a 'main road', not many cars are in the way, so that leaves the entire road open for us. I almost fell off the bike when Lawrence had suddenly sped up. I punched him in the stomach which he completely didn't feel or just ignored it.


I lift my head from Lawrence's back and my head almost falls off from the sudden pressure of the fast wind. I look around at the dark road around us. The road has thick forests on either side, trapping the never ending road between them. Everything goes by in a blur. Like someone had painted a beautiful forest and just wiped their hand across it, blurring the image. 

I laugh as I see the speed we are currently going at. Seventy-three miles per hour. Gosh, this boy is insane. 

As we break off onto a more main road, Lawrence slows down to the right speed. The loud wind becomes more of a soft whisper as we drop down to about twenty miles per hour.

"Where's your street?" Lawrence calls through his helmet. 

"Fifteen Gabriel Street," I call back, hoping he knows where to go. Sure enough, he pulls onto my street, driving a bit more before stopping in front of my dreary looking home. I hop off the bike with Lawrence's help. I wiggle the helmet from my head and place it under the strap of the bike. I smooth down my hair in failed attempts to make it less frizzy. Lawrence pulls off his helmet as well, smirking like always.

"Scaredy-cat," he teases. 

"Shut up! I thought we were going to die!" I defend, punching his leather clad shoulder. "You were going two times the speed limit!"

"It was fun wasn't it?" he asks. I nod, biting my lower lip. Lawrence's grey eyes flick down at my small action, his smirk growing into a grin. I slowly release my lip, knowing what he's thinking.

"T-thanks for the ride. I appreciate it." Gosh, I sound like an idiot.

"No problem," he replies.

"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" I ask, a hopeful tone in my voice.

"Of course."

"Well, goodbye, Lawrence,"

"Goodbye, Joy," he smiles, putting his helmet onto his head, before driving off.

"Goodbye," I whisper to myself, a small smile on my lips. I turn to walk into the house, when I'm stopped by the sight of my parents and Myra standing in the driveway, looking like I just killed someone. My eyes widen at my father's terrifying glare.

"Dad," I start carefully, "it's not what it looks like."

"Not what it looks like?" my dad bellows.

"Don," my mom says in attempts to sooth him.

"Emily, take Myra inside." My mom nods and takes a worried looking Myra inside. My attention focuses back on my dad who's scowl etches across his face. His upper lip twitches angrily.

"What do you want, dad?"

"I want to know why you are out at eleven at night with some... delinquent. A motorcycle? Are you set on killing yourself? I don't know if you are acting out for attention, or if you just want to rebel, but you are not the daughter I raised. The daughter I raised doesn't hang around people like him. I mean, look at what you're wearing!"

"I'm not that girl anymore! I'm not Myra! I'm not pretty and perfect like you want me to be! I will never be that girl!" I yell.

"I guess not. You're a disappointment. If you even so much as talk to that boy one more time," my dad says, pointing an accusing finger my way, "you'll end up six feet under with that other disappointment you call a friend." My dad seems to regret his words the second they slip from his lips. A single tear slips down my cheek as my dad's face breaks.

"Ser," he starts.

"I'm sorry. Do I know you?"

"What? Ser, don't play stupid with me. I'm your dad and you know that."

"Oh, because as far as I'm concerned, I've never had one," I spit, then walk past him.


My window sill is wide enough for me to sit on. I opened the window and popped the screen out, so I can sit on it with ease now. Since we only have a one story house, the ground isn't far from where I sit. My bare toes graze the soft blades of grass, tickling my feet. 

A cool breeze pushes the long blades down so they no longer reach my toes. I frown slightly and push myself from the window so I can stand in the cool grass. I changed put of my tank top and jeans, and replaced them with my fuzzy black shorts, matched with a long sleeve, pink cotton shirt.

I pull the sleeves down over my palms and clasp them under my fingers. I press my cotton clad fists to my lips and blow warm air onto them. I sit down in a patch of grass with my legs crossed. I fall so I'm lying on my back. The stars seem bright and swirl in many different directions. The deep violet sky makes me feel at ease.

My mind wonders to the events of today. Today was so... insane.

First, Jared. I know I shouldn't lead him on like that. I never really meant to. Kissing him, I know now, was a mistake. It just, it felt right in the moment. We've gotten so close in these past couple of days without even meaning to. I should talk to him about Amy and... other things.

My mind slowly fades to Lawrence. The confusing, cocky, mysterious, Lawrence. He's a whirlwind of emotions. A hurricane of beautiful disaster. He's a tidal wave crashing through my brain, knocking my train of thought off its tracks, taking it away with the tide. He's a violent act covered in leather.

But I can't seem to stop thinking about him.

He makes me feel things I never thought I could feel and for that I am forever grateful. The only down side to feeling anything for Lawrence, is how bipolar he's been acting. I'm not sure if he has acted like this his whole life, but it's a new territory for me. My thoughts leave Lawrence and transition to my dad.

'If you even so much as talk to that boy one more time, you'll end up six feet under with that other disappointment you call a friend.'

My dad's words burn me like hot coals. Tears threaten to spill from my eyes, but I hold them back. Not just for me, but for Amy. She wouldn't want me to cry about it. She was always that girl. The one that made you happy just by being there.

God, I miss her.

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