|Jared Leto Joker|
Soft spoken girls aren't for hellish hearted men.
She may change his toxic heart around, even just for a split moment.
(Completed 9-10-16/9-10-17)
Sage had been dragged out of the van. She was fighting their strength, but instead got pushed onto the floor. Looking up sage saw Joker. "Mr.J, Mr.J! You see these..." She turned back and looked at the men dressed in masks, again. "Men, decided to interrupt my shopping spree and man handle me." She got up and yanked the jacket out of the hands of one of Jokers henchmen. She put it on zipping it up, "Excuse me." She said tried to push past Joker. Joker instead yanked her back.
"Shopping spree?! SHOPPING SPREE?! No no no, theft...yes. You caused an absolute embarrassing scene!" Joker yelled. "Your face is every where! You are wanted." He looked at sage in the eyes. "So? I'm bad. YOUR bad!" She put emphasis on your. "You do it all the time! It is what you do. I need fucking clothes Mr.J, and I got them. Where you going to get me some? No? Okay, that's what I thought." She yanked her arm loose from Jokers grip. "You already ruined me." Her voice echoed while exiting.
"GOD!," Joker yelled. "Why does she have to be so damn perfect, and...and crazy? Just. Like. Me..." He looked down towards his expensive shoes. He was seeing up close and first point of view what it's like to be him. "A monster she is..."
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"Is this the Gothams Clown Prince Of Crimes new girl, or new sidekick? The womans appearance resembles that of the Jokers. Bleached hair, bleached skin, an out there look. Gotham will be having a new guest wondering it's streets, the unknown woman Gotham is referring to as Barbie Doll."
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(Listen to Zara Larsons song 'uncover' now.)
Sage had liked her new name, 'Barbie'. It's made her happy she was getting recognized. Barbie girl, living in a Barbie world. The voices sang to her. Only if only you had your Ken. Joker! Joker can be your Ken. You know you love him. He made you! "Shut up!" She screamed at herself, holding her head. She began curling in a ball and rocking. "No no...my names Sage!" Her real self came to shine. "Hush child you're Barbie, living in a Barbie world. A monster, crazy, an abomination!" Her personalities argued with each other. "SHUT UPP!" She screamed out. Joker was outside her cell he put her in, her 'bedroom' he considered it. He knew sage, he observed her.
Joker opened the cellar and walked in. Roughly picking her body up off the floor he carried her in his arms. Sage had sweat coming from her face and her decollate. Joker carried her to his lavish room, larger than a king sized bed. Joker placed her on the soft comforters. "Barbie doll, life so plastic it's fantastic." He stroked her face. "Dollface you'll figure it out... Imagination, life's your creation." Joker mumbled. He got up ripping his shirt off, sitting in the middle of the floor while the balcony doors were open, the moonlight shined on Sage. Illuminating him and the room he began to sing.
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