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    "Please hold while I connect you to the main office." Sage huffed after she put the caller on hold. "Damn she's so annoying with her shrieking voice. How do you guys manage this?" Sage got up from her seat and walked out of her small cubicle towards the restroom. Walking towards the restroom across the main lobby she fixed her skirt, while doing so she saw the man to her far left was dressed somewhat off. Thinking nothing of the way he looked she continued on to the restroom. When she walked in she smiled at herself in the mirror and shrugged. "Huh, who knows he looks like he just came from a rave," she scrunched her brows. "Maybe I'm late on the latest trends... Hmm well." She fixed her hair and slicked back her brows. She licked her teeth and gave a wide smile. "Back to work I shall go." She pouted at herself.  Before exiting she heard several pops, being herself she continued thinking it someone had dropped something.
     Opening the door sage saw the man dressed in all velour now wearing a mask holding a baseball bat with spikes and held a gun in one hand. "Soo...I definitely should've slept in today." She spoke to herself. Not only was the man standing in the main lobby with weapons so were many more. All in deep black velour outfits with crazy animal masks on. One guy had a bunny mask on with stitched Xs over the eyes. "How does tha bastard see?!" She said aloud in a high pitched voice. The men had all looked towards her. Sage just smiled and waved like it was some sort of pageant. "Did I say that? Oh, well ya know I didn't think he could see." She pointed to the man with the bunny mask. "Cause he uh, ya know...has that over his eyes. So I'm just gonna go pee!" She hastily closed the wooden door to the bathroom locking herself in. "I'm a dead ass women." She said to herself. "Think stupid, think." She sat once toilet thinking and rocking back and forth.

    "Ha. Ha. Ha. Haaaaa." She heard a wild hyena laugh echo through the roomy bank. Sages eyes went wide at the laugh, "couldn't be...he's in Arkham Asylum." She snapped her head towards the door, thinking someone was by it.  Knock. Knock. Knock. "Yess, can I use the little boys room? I feel like my dicks about to explode." The voice mocked, followed by wild fits of laughter and giggles. "Haa," the man drew out. "I guess I'll make the door go BOOM!" He shouted deeply with so much power mixed with crazy in one. "Tick tock, tick...tick." He started making ticking noises with his tongue and giggled.

"Make it go boom boys!" He shouted. Before she could react sage had gotten thrown towards the back wall of the bathroom from the blast. Her head planted in the cement ground; she looked up seeing a blurry, utterly imaginative face she wouldn't have ever dreamt would truly exist. His lips spread into a toothy crazy smile.

Sages ears rang and could barley make out parts that he had said

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Sages ears rang and could barley make out parts that he had said.  "... Grab her." She could only make out. A guy stopped past the Joker and lifted her up throwing her over his shoulder. Her head bobbed as he walked, everything was fuzzy to her. She took in admired the fuzzy feeling, it was her favorite feeling and color. Fuzzy shoes, fuzzy cars, fuzzy pinks and blues,fuzzy puppies she smiled to herself at the thought. The man hold her walked past the Joker towards the exit, on the way out he smacked her butt. "Hehe, haha! She'll be fun!" The Joker expressed joy.


    "You're such a bad boy, hehe... You're taking the front door out!" Sage hazily expressed gratitude, not really comprehending what was going on and she had said. "Hubba Hubba, aren't you just a little goof, doll face!" The Joker winked grabbing her face. "So innocent and pure like a child." He rubbed his nose against hers and along her cheek. "So, so...smooth and soft. Not a speck of evil." He caresses her hips. He grabbed her holding her in his arms leading them towards his purple chrome Lamborghini. He hit her head trying to get her in, he grew frustrated and slammed the door on her fingers. Which drew blood from her lithe fingers.

He growled getting in the car

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He growled getting in the car. "Can't you do shit right! You're half dead bitch, and still causes trouble." Her twisted his neck around, like he was having a spasm. He gripped the wheel and roared off into the streets of Gotham, sirens echoed behind him. "C'mere sons of Bitches! Hahaha haa!" He wildly went back at forth excidely hitting the wheel.

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