Just The Start

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"Huh hum, excuse me Mr Simons" came a crackly voice, breaking the bond between us and bringing me and my senses back to earth with a bump.

He's got to stop kissing me, I'm beginning to find it hard to handle, it's also making it hard to stay focused, less than three months that's all I've got, less than three months to survive.

then the voice continued.

"It appears the cat is out of the bag sir"


Wow, he pissed at something, try and cheer him up, I started looking round the back of the car getting down and looking around.

"What on earth are you doing down there" he questioned.

"Looking for the cat and the bag"

"Are you always this mad?" Brent chuckled.

"Yep, helps me deal with life, if people around me are happy it makes me happy" I had proved a point I cheered him up and got my sarcasm back, even though it was completely childish behaviour on my part, but it worked.

" Well I'm sure happy now" he chuckled, then he turned serious.

"Chrissie the press have found out about us coming back to Woodstock today, so I'm afraid you are going to get a lot of attention, are you sure you don't want to change your mind and come with me to LA"

Shit stuck between a rock and a hard place, stay and cope with the press or go and cope with Brent, what a choice.

"No it's okay I'll manage, I'm sure I'm not that news worthy and soon they'll get fed up and leave me alone"

Trying to convince myself as much as I was Brent.

"Well if you change your mind ring me and I'll come rescue you"

"Oh my knight in shining armour, come to save the beautiful princess from the wicked press" clasping my hand together as though praying and fluttering my eye lashes rapidly.

"You are quite mad, but I am serious call me if it gets to much, please" the last word was a plea on his part.

I gulped and nodded my head, words failing me yet again, why does he have this effect on me, where I loose all ability to think and retort with my usual sarcasm.

"Good" he confirmed as the car came to a halt.

"Ready then, we are here" and with that he flung open the door and stepped out.

Offering me his hand he helped me stand and face an army of camera's, that flashed and clicked away for what seemed like hours, but was probably a few minutes, before we were able to move forward at a snail's pace towards my home.

The camera's kept up their incesent clicking and whirring and the bombardment of questions, allegations and senarios assaulted our ears with every step.

Some were funny, some serious, some down right rude and disgusting, all trying to get us or more likely me to rise to the bait.

Eventually we managed to escape inside and hurried up the stairs to my flat at the top.

"That was fun, must do that more often" I grumbled as I secured the front door.

As I turned back into my small but serviceable lounge, Brent who by the way looked comical huge in my small loft flat was staring intently at me arms folded over his chest.

"What!" I asked mimicking his stance "Have I grown another head or have I changed colour?"

"You are something else, do you know that" his voice husky and his movements slow and deliberate as he crept towards me.

"What do you mean, I'm a Martian or a Mongolian humpbacked blubber fish" sarcasm working a treat as I matched his movements, only mine were backwards away from him.

"I have never been this caught up in a woman like you before"

"Sorry it's this sweater everything gets tangled in it, I must take it off"

Suddenly my backward movement ceased with a bump as my backside hit the wall, a smirk graced Brent's face growing as he approached me, effectively cutting of my means of escape.

"Why stop at the sweater, you could take everything off, then we could really get tangled up"

"Or I could dump you on your arse and make sure you never father any children " I retorted.

"Oh but honey, our children will be perfect all six of them" now he stood a mere three inched away, to far inside my comfort zone.

Hang on what did he say.

"Our children, six, are you on drugs, does your lift not go all the way to the top, me. you. kids. six. Dream on bozo"

Then he smiled and burst out laughing pointing at me as he staggered back to my sofa and dropping down on to it.

"Your face, you should have seen it, oh God,  I wish I had a picture of it, Kids, six, are you on drugs" he mimicked.

"Oh no you've just sat where cat has been sick" I gasped hand over my mouth eyes wide, Brent shot up and tried to peer over his shoulder to see the damage, then he looked at the sofa then at me.

I smiled a big smile and winked.

"Back at you sucker"

Before we could continue our discussion, Brent's phone interrupted us.

"Sorry Chrissie, must take this"

"Sure no problem, wanna cup of coffee or something?"
Heading into my tiny galley kitchen.

"No thanks, I'm good" came a muffled response.

Busying myself with the kettle and a mug, depositing a tea bags and a spoon of sugar in ready for the water, I hunted through my cupboards for anything edible and came across a just in date packet of crisps and some Bourbon biscuits, I would be able to live it up tonight.

Just as I was filling my mug, Brent wandered in.

"Sorry Chrissie, I've gotta go, plane leaves in a few hours, sure you won't change you mind"

"Nah, we need a break from each other, been together to long, people are beginning to talk and video and photograph and follow" I trailed off, as he stared at me.

"Don't you every take anything seriously" he frowned.

"Yeah, I did once, I met this guy see and made this stupid bet, I was serious then, drunk but serious"

He smiled and shook his head, he walked up to me placing his hands on my shoulder and kissed my forehead.

"Take care, you hear and if you change your mind call and I'll have you picked up okay?"

"Okay" I answered.

Then he turned and left.

I plopped down on one of my battered mismatched kitchen chairs and suddenly felt alone, a feeling I have never felt before, I had always been happy as a loner, but now.

"Oh Brent what have you done to me" I muttered to myself.

And as though in answer to my pray, there was a long sorrowful meow and a furry creature tangling in my legs.

"So  you've decided to pay a visit then, nice of you to drop by cat, suppose you want something to eat eh?"

And just like that my mood was lifted and cat and I did our normal routine, food, playtime, and snuggle up on the sofa with a good book.


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