A Non Movie Stars Life (Pt I)

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After the previous evening of non stop press and fan attention, where even I was taken back by the amount of people surroundings us, I mean it had only been on the TV ten minutes before, but I had forgotten the power of the internet.

Chrissie and I were bombarded with questions and requests for photos, every twenty yards we were stopped by yet another camera crew to do an interview for some such news programme, Gavin and Lisa just couldn't deal with the sheer volume of people and try as they might they couldn't prevent people from touching and in some cases kissing and hugging us.

At last relief came in the form of the police, who arrived in two large vans and formed a barrier between us and the crowd. Eventually we reached Chrissie's flat entrance and with a final wave we rushed in to the peace and tranquility of the flat, both exhausted from the walk, a quick meal of what we could find in the cupboards, a cuddle on the sofa not really watching TV, before we collapsed into bed and were asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillows.

Waking up with my arms firmly wrapped around my girl, her head resting on my chest and light feminine snores, well more like heavy breathing breaking the early morning silence, her hair was splayed across my torso and lay over the exposed side of her face and it would shimmer as she breathed in and out, god she was beautiful.

I couldn't help the smile that spread like a contagious disease across my face as I gently ran a finger tip down her nose and traced the outline of her lips, she elicited a small snuffle like sound and scrunched up her nose as I ran my finger tip back up the tip of her nose.

Then an eyelid fluttered open and the hazel brown eye locked on mine.

"Morning sweetheart" I muttered.

"Uh" was all the reply I got, obviously Chrissie was not a morning person.

"You are adorable when your asleep all that snoring and dribbling, so sexy"

Her head shot up and she instinctively wiped the back of her hand over her mouth.

"I do not snore or dribble, thank you" she huffed, all I could do was laugh.

Giving me her best no nonsense glare, she wriggled out out of my hold and slipped on a white fluffy gown before heading towards the bathroom.

"Hey!" I yelled making Chrissie stop and turn her head back towards me, raising her eyebrows in a questioning manner.

"Don’t I get a morning kiss"

"Not with this breath, you haven't had your injections" before turning back and scooting out of her bedroom leaving me to chuckle.

Laying back against the wooden headboard with my arms behind my head, I couldn't help but smile.

To think I nearly lost all this through my own stupidity. 

As I continued my in depth analysis of how things were turning out, I couldn't help but reflect what my life would have been like if my parents weren't the way they were, if they thought more of their children's happiness and less of influence and money.

"Penny for your thoughts" came a sexy feminine whisper as the bed dipped and the voice tickled my ear, bringing me back to the present.

"Oh sweetheart you don't want to know"

"How do you know Mr Superstar,  maybe I do want to know" still in that sexy taunting whisper.

"Well" I began "It involves twelve hours, you and me and this bed" as I mentioned bed I threw my arms around Chrissie and as she squealed,  I laid her down on the mattress and holding her arms above her head, I straddled her.

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