Oh What A Night (Pt II)

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"Oh my god " I squealed, I couldn't believe it. "Is that Chase Ryder from Phenomenon, I must get his autograph"

Phenomenon was my listen to music of choice, when I was down, or happy, or in a rut, Phenomenon had a song that suited every mood and I would soon be singing and dancing to the beat.

"Shall I introduce you" Brent frown and practically glared at me, though I was to excited to notice.

"Would you please, oh god I will probably make a fool of myself, I can't believe it I'm in the same room as Chase Ryder"

"Come on then, just so you'll stop screaming like a banshee" he grumbled.

Wow! Why's he pissed off all of a sudden

Trailing behind Brent as he strode across the floor, I could tell he was angry and upset, by the clenching and unclenching of his hands and sag of his shoulders.

"Hey Chase" yelled Brent as it looked as though Chase was about to move away.

"I've got your number one fan here"

Chase leant to one side to peer around Brent and smiled when he saw me and winked,  I noticed Brent's shoulders tense and his hands ball into fists.

What's up with the guy, sure Chase is one sexy guy but he's not a patch on Brent.

"Well hi gorgeous" Chase's husky voice drew out all the words.

"H, hi" nice reply Chrissie, way to go.

"I was wondering if I could get your autograph please, I have all your albums" I cringed as the last part tumbled out of my mouth.

Sheesh sound like an obsessed fan girl while your at it.

"Sure anything for you darling" again in that husky voice.

"Any part of your body you want me to sign" pointedly staring at my breasts.

"No a napkin or piece of paper will be fine thank you" I mumbled, blushing for all I was worth.

Brent's face was the same colour as mine but for quite a different reason.

Why is he so angry, it's only an autograph after all, wait! He can't be jealous can he, no way! Let's see.

And as Chase handed me a signed napkin, I rushed forward and hugged him, placing a chaste kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you" I squealed.

"You're more than welcome darling" He replied hugging me back, as we parted I turned to face Brent, but he wasn't there.

Searching frantically for him, I felt Chase lean and whisper in my ear.

"He's got it bad for you, I have never seen him get jealous before and he went that way" pointing to my left.

"Thank you" and with that set off in the direction indicated by Chase.

I found Brent propped up at the bar knocking back a large drink, placing my hand on his arm, he turned to look at me, a blank expression on his face.

"Hey" I whispered. "What's the matter with you?"

"Nothing" came the short blunt answer, as he took another large swig of his drink.

"Come on something is, you were okay when we came in, you have only been acting like this since..." Then it hit me he was jealous, Brent Simons international movie star was jealous of an international rock star, because he spoke to me.

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