Chapter 1: Don't eat that grey stew...thing...

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It was just a normal day in the Titans tower. Cyborg was working on his baby the T-car. Robin was locked in his room looking over everything he had on Slade. Starfire and Raven were hanging out in the kitchen while Starfire cooked; Raven sat at the table and read a book. Beast Boy on the other hand was sitting on the couch reading comic books, hoping that Cyborg would be done with his little tune up on his car so they could play video games. Raven found herself looking up every now and then occasionally looking at Beast Boy.

Raven's P.O.V

I was lost in thought on Beast Boy whenever I felt Starfire poking my face. Snapping me back to attention you could see for a split second the shock on my face when I was startled out of thought, but it quickly went back to one of those serious looks. "What is it Star?" I asked in my usual monotone voice.
"Oh I was just wondering why you were staring at friend Beast Boy for a while now." She says going back to cooking something actually from Earth. At least I think it is. She said it was a recipe she saw in a cookbook a couple of days ago and she wanted to try making it. I think she was trying to make stew, but she somehow managed to make it look gray and bubbly. "Friend Raven?" Star says snapping my attention back to her.

"Why are you not providing me with the answer?"
"Yes I was looking at Beast Boy" I sigh. "But only because I thought I saw something weird. Turns out it was only my imagination." I say as I place my book down and go to make myself a cup of tea. After I finished making it I sit back down and take a sip.
"Then friend Cyborg must have been wrong. He said that you had, what you earthlings call, the hots for Beast Boy.". I spit out the tea that I had in my mouth after she said that.

I looked at Starfire stunned. I was at a loss for words I didn't know how to respond to that. Did I like Beast Boy? I don't even know the answer to that. I never really put much thought into it to be honest. "Um...why would he say that?" I ask while thinking that when I find Cyborg I am going to make him into scrap.
"He says that you stare at friend Beast Boy a lot with a certain look in your eye." She says ignoring the food and I could swear I heard a little cry for help.
"Yeah look of annoyance." I reply taking another sip of tea.
"Well Cyborg says you give him the look of the love." Again after she says this I spit out my tea. Maybe I should wait to take a sip of tea after we get off the subject of Beast Boy.
"Well I don't give him the look of love. I don't even think I am capable of giving that look to be honest."
"I am sure you can give the look of love, everyone can. At least that is what I believe." Starfire said while smiling. I look at her and give a slight smile.
"Thanks Star." I take a sip of my tea hoping it stays down. "Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to go find Cyborg and ask him why he thinks I love Beast Boy." Beast Boy walks over while reading a comic book to grab some root beer, after hearing his name he looks up at Raven.
"What's this about me?" he asked. Now sitting down at the table to listen in on what ever we were talking about.
"Oh, friend Raven was going to go talk to Cyborg as to why he thinks she is giving the looks of l..." Starfire was cut off with my dark energy covering her mouth.
"It's none of your business as to what it is I am talking about." I say a little harshly in a monotone manner. Raising his hands in the air as if accepting defeat he nods.
"Okay whatever you say Rae." He said smirking a little. I roll my eyes he knows I don't like that name yet calls me it anyways.
"Shouldn't you be going and raid the fridge for lasagna Garfield?" I say while walking away. He equally hatted it when I called him by his first name.

I float into the garage to find Cyborg messing around with stuff under the hood of the car. Floating over to him I tap him on the shoulder. He turns around and waves. "Hey Raven! What's going on?" he said acting as if he didn't know what was going on in the slightest. I glare at him.
"I think you know since you think I am in love with Beast Boy!" I reply. Cyborg sweat drops.
"Starfire told you, didn't she?" He asked while backing away slowly.
"Yes she did. She told me that you said I look at Beast Boy like I have the hots for him!" I say letting a little bit of my agitation out.
"Because you do Raven," he said crossing his arm. "I can sense people's heart rates and whether or not they are lying." Raven looks at him with a cold glare.
"So much good that did with Terra! I was the only one who questioned her in the least. So how come your little heart monitor tell you she was lying and that I was telling the truth?" I almost snarl at him remembering the witch who stabbed them in the back, the girl who hurt Beast Boy. I shook the thought from my head.
"Okay granted it doesn't work on some people because of other emotions that affect them." He goes back to working on the car "You see. With Terra she could have been nervous around us. To her we were this big time super hero group. It would be like if we went to the Justice League and met them. We would be nervous so it stands to reason she would be around us."
"Oh yeah? Then what was my excuse then? How come you couldn't pick up on whether or not I was lying?" I ask in a plain way "Not like I was nervous or anything." Cyborg sighs and lets his arms drop to his side.
"Raven. When I scanned your heart rate it was similar to that of a heartbeat of someone who was jealous. I think you were jealous of Terra because she was taking Beast Boy from you." I just stared at him wide eyes.
"But...I don't like him like that." I say with a bit of doubt in my voice.
"Thing is it doesn't mean you love him from that. You were just jealous that Beast Boy stopped getting on your nerves and stopped trying to make you laugh. His attention was on Terra." I sit down on a nearby box with disbelief. Could I actually of been jealous of Terra taking away Beast Boys attention from me? No I couldn't of. She didn't hate Beast Boy but she also didn't like him like that. Just sitting there deep in thought she stood back up and turned to leave so I could go consult with her emotions. I leave without a word to Cyborg heading to my room.

I go to my room and sit on my bed. How could I figure out what the hell is going on in my head? I look over to my dresser and see the mirror that connects me to my mind. Floating over to it I pick it up, but before I could do anything about it an explosion from the kitchen is heard. I run over there to meet Robin in the door way staring at the mess in stunned silence. I just kinda sweat drop and chuckle a bit inside my head when I see whats going on.

Starfire's cooking exploded covering both her and Beast Boy in gray sludge. Then to top it all off a tentacle came out grabbed Beast Boy and started to wave him in the air while Beast Boy screamed. I gave a little smirk and chuckled inside my head. Then Beast Boy was taken into the bowl then spit right back out covered even more in the gray slime. Everyone but me laughed at Beast Boy. Cyborg comes up and looks at what's going on and joins in. Beast Boy gives his big toothy grin and laughs along with everyone. I looked at his smile and couldn't help but smile back.

He looked right at me and his smile seemed to shrink a bit but it was a smile of pure happiness. I quickly look away and force the same blank face I normally give. I float out of the room towards mine once again. This time, I was going to Nevermore so I can clear ask my emotions about what the hell is going on and why my stomach and heart feel weird. I pick up the mirror and suddenly find myself in Nevermore.

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