Chapter 6: Home At Last. Raven's Feelings.

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P.O.V. Raven

We were shocked to see two Beast Boys there, one crying over my dead body and the other one dead with blood all on his chest. I don't even want to know where most of that blood was spewing from. I walked over to Beast Boy who was playing with the other me's hair and mumbling something that I couldn't hear. I put my hand in front of his face to try to get his attention, but he was out of it. So I kept my hand in front of his face. "Azarath Metrion Zinthoss!" I said and Beast Boy went to sleep.

"What did you just do?" Cyborg asked curiously but with also a bit of 'What the hell!' tone added in.

"I put him to sleep. I don't think that he would be willing to talk to us, or be able to in the condition he was in. So what we should do is go back home, and then talk to him about it later, when ever he isn't on the edge of a mental break down. Surprised he hasn't yet though."

Cyborg nodded and picked Beast Boy up in his arms. "What do you think is going through his head to think of something like this?" I shrugged, not knowing the answer.

"It could be a number of things. If I were to have my guess, he is afraid he is going to lose his family again." I said in my normal monotone. "We will just have to wait for him to wake up so he can explain what happened here."

"What about Star and Robin? What are we going to tell them?"

"Unless they ask, we don't tell them anything. Wouldn't want anyone else knowing about this world. The less people know about this world the better." Cyborg nodded and we started looking around for where the portal might be. We eventually found it in my room and walked through it and before we knew it we were back home.

"Finally! I'm glad we are finally out of there!" Cyborg said. "Now all we have to do is make sure no one goes back into that place full of nightmares."

"Yeah, and that means no more letting Beast Boy into my things with out my knowledge!" I said in an agitated monotone.

"Jeez. Said I was sorry didn't I?" 

"I don't remember if you did or not, nor do I care." We were in my real room this time. It's a really weird feeling when something like that happens, you leave one place only to end up in the exact same location only in a different dimension. 

Cyborg left with Beast Boy in his arms, leaving me alone once again. I just really hoped that he would be able to pull through this and stay the same Beast Boy I had a crush on. I doubt that will be the case, he just went through hell and saw all of the people he has considered to be a family die tight in front of him and he wasn't able to do anything about it. It's going to be hard on him for the next little while , while he adjusts to what he has seen. Seeing stuff like that could break a full grown man, just imagine what it could do to a teenager.

Beast Boy woke up the next day and started acting like nothing had happened. He didn't seemed to be bothered by it. Me and Cyborg were both relieved that he thought it was just a dream. Made it a lot easier to play it off like nothing happened. It was only later that we realized he wasn't as fine as he led on.

He started going to bed earlier than he usually did. Most nights he would stay up with Cyborg until like three in the morning playing video games with him, only now he was going to bed at eight. Before I even go to bed. The first couple of days me and Cyborg just played it off as he was just tired because of what happened, but as he continued this week after week we started feeling like it wasn't the issue at all.  A month has gone by and Beast Boy is still going to bed early, so one night I decided to find out what exactly was going on. 

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