Chapter 3: He is not my man! A tearful reunion.

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P.O.V. Raven

Once Cyborg and I got into his room we started to look around. As I looked around it was a lot less messy than I thought it would be. Sure there was junk thrown here and there but overall wasn't that bad.

After I admired his room for a while I noticed a cabinet near his window. I walked over to it and went to open it, until Cyborg put a hand on my arm to stop it. I looked over to him to see him shake his head.

"Beast Boy doesn't want anyone to see what's in there." He said in a serious tone. "Not even I know what's in it. All I did was help him build it a while back. All he told me was that it was a shrine."

"Beast Boy has a shrine? So is Beast Boy is worshipping a god?" I asked a little confused. "I never would have thought that Beast Boy was a religious guy." Cyborg just shook his head.

"No. Shrines aren't just for gods and such. They can also be used as a way to express how you feel about someone, or they can be used as a tribute to the dead." He said as if he could guess what was on the other side of the doors. To be honest I thought the same thing. It was probably for Terra. It made me a little sad when I thought about it, how Beast Boy had feelings for another girl even though she betrayed them, came back and doesn't remember him. So why would he still go for her? I have no clue.

"Yeah, I can probably guess who it is as well." I said in my monotone voice even though it sounded a little sad.

I look down at the floor and see something I really never thought I would see in Beast Boy's room, a book. I pick it up and give it a once over.

"What the hell kind of book is he..." I said to myself, and cut myself off at the same time. No he couldn't of. Why this book? Why? I look at Cyborg and ask "Did you know he had this book?" I asked the horror on my face evident.

"Yeah he did tell me that he took it from your room. Said he wanted to see if there was a world where no one ate meat. I mean who would want to live in such a sad place? I don't get it." Cyborg said walking next to me.

"That's not what I am worried about. There are tons of dimensions that could severely hurt him, if not kill him if we don't do something quick." I said looking through the book and finding the page that used magic last. It was kind of like looking for a heat signature to see which page had used the magic to bring him in. That was easy enough though, I soon found that he went to Metrion. The rest of the page was unreadable. I forgot that when I was younger I accidentally spilled some liquid on it and my mom got mad at me. Thankfully it will only take a trip to Never more to question Wisdom about it. "I need to go to Nevermore for a quick chat. I read the book when I was younger so I need to ask Wisdom to tell me about it. I will be back in a moment." I walk over to my dresser and pick up my mirror, the one that lead to Nevermore.

Once in nevermore I instantly had to duck to avoid being hit in the head by a book. It would seem I had made it into Wisdoms realm. I walked over to the area the book was thrown from and found Wisdom next to about 5 stacks of books, her yellow cloak was draped over the back of the chair so it wouldn't annoy her while she was sitting and her glasses were on the bridge of her nose. As I got closer I heard her mumbling something that I couldn't understand.

"Um Wisdom?" I asked tapping her on the shoulder to get her attention. She jolted upright and looked at me in shock, but only for a second before realising who it was.

"Hey Raven. I knew you were coming, just didn't expect you so soon. I thought it was going to take you a few minutes to get here." She said while going back to the books skimming through them it seemed.

"Yeah I actually had a question for you."
"You always do, how can I help you today?" she asked not looking up from the book.
"Well I was wondering if you still had that book on the different dimensions. Beast Boy took my book, and one of the pages is too damaged for me to read it properly, so I was wondering if it was..." before I could even finish my sentence she cut me off by putting her hand up towards my face.

"I already know what it is that you are looking for. I have it here as well, but I think it would just be a lot faster if I just told you since I already know what it is."

"Yeah thanks Wisdom. That would be a lot more helpful." I said giving a slight smirk.

"Well you see," she said turning around in her chair and taking her glasses off looking at me with a stern look. "the dimension that Beast Boy has fallen into is Metrion."
"Metrion? What's that?" I ask a bit confused. Wisdom just looked at me and stood up so me and her were face to face.
"It is a very, very dangerous place. I have read stories of brave men going in there and coming back a complete and utter mess. Gone was their bravado, gone was their will to fight, or even the will to live. In some dimensions big time criminals get banished there for a day, and come out like a frail little bird. They look like if you touch them they will shatter. It's that scary." After hearing this, my eyes went wide with shock and I thought of all the horrible things that could be happening to Beast Boy right now. I needed to get him back soon if things were this bad.

P.O.V. Beast Boy

When I finally came to I opened my eyes slowly and noticed I was in a little dark room. The room was probably big enough to hold a lion, but small enough that it had little movement. The only source of light I see is a candle that is sitting on a table in the middle of the room. I stand up and hit my head on the ceiling. "Ow! Great, I am the shortest member and I can't even fit in this room." After looking around for a while and rubbing my head it finally occurred to me. I didn't know where I was and it didn't look like there was anyone around who knew where I was either.

After feeling around for a little bit I came across a door. "Ahah! I found a door! Please don't be locked" I turn the handle only to discover, it was locked. "Well, darn it's locked. Good thing I am a level 100 lock pick in Skyblivion. I walk to the other side of the room and turn into a cat to get a running start; just before I hit the door I morph into a rhino and break through the door. I morph back and stand fully up. "No one can contain Beast Boy the master locksmith!" I start laughing until I realised two things. 1. A bird just flew right pass my face. 2. I was not standing on solid anything. "Well son of a b...!" I started to say before I stated falling. It didn't take me long to transform into a raven and fly off to the ground.

As soon as I touched the ground I realised I was in the middle of a jungle. It seemed so familiar, but I couldn't quite place how I knew where I was. "I don't think I am in Kansas anymore. Where am I?" I start walking in a random direction as I look around trying to get my bearings.

Just as I was about to sit down I heard a child laughing. "What is a child doing out in the middle of nowhere?" I ran to go check it out. As I got to the clearing I saw that the kid was playing in an area that was set up for people who were doing research. There was a tent and inside that tent was a table with beakers, paper, books and a bunch of chemicals. Again the place feeling familiar I walk over and look at everything that's set up. I look through it all and notice that they were experimenting with animal DNA. Nothing to weird, it just looked like they wanted to see the different DNA in animals. I looked over to see a vial with some green liquid in it and was labelled 'Cure'. It then suddenly hit me like cinderblock punching me right in the chest. I was at my parent's camp, the one I grew up in as they studied the animals, and the one where they died at.

I ran out of the tent and over to where the kid was screaming playfully. When I got there I saw something I never thought I would see again. A little green me walked over to a couple who were just standing there. The male had blonde hair like I used to and green eyes, he wore glasses and dressed like Indiana Jones minus the fedora and whip. The woman had long black hair and electric blue eyes. Her smile was amazing I couldn't help but tear up at that smile. She was also dressed like she was ready for adventure. The woman picked the little Beast Boy up in her arms and gave him a big hug.

My parents. My parents are here right in front of me! How is this possible?! I couldn't help myself, I fell to my knees and started crying.

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