Chapter 4: The one who killed my parents. Attacked by a giant jelly monster!

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P.O.V Beast Boy

It has been so long since I had seen them since that fateful day, I really didn't know what else to do other than to sit down and cry. I mean how would anyone react after seeing their dead parents alive and well right in front of them? It's like I got tackled by Superman flying at mach fifty into like five planets. I just sat back and watched as they went about their business. Maybe this dimension isn't actually a dimension at all and is actually a portal to travel through time, so I can save my parents! I could right the wrong that happened all those years ago. I may have been to weak back then to do something, but damn it I wasn't weak anymore and I had to save them!

I didn't know exactly when they would be going out to save this animal, but I knew it was going to be soon. So maybe if I ended up saving the animal first I wouldn't have to worry about losing my parents. I started to head off to the river they were going to walk by when I heard my mom talking to dad about something.

" you really think this could be a step in the right direction? I mean is it right to do that to our own son?" my mom asked with a little worry in her voice. "As a parent its our job to protect him and I don't think this qualifies."

What was she talking about? What could be going on that would mean I wasn't protected? I turned into a bug and got closer so I could hear.

"Honey, think of all the things we could do with this! We wouldn't have to worry about capturing endangered animals, or animals in general! We could just experiment on Garfield. This could be the big break through we have been waiting for! We could save thousands of lives if we were to do this! I mean we found a way we could fuse animal DNA with a human! Think of the endless possibilities we could do with this!" my dad said a little too excitedly.

"Yeah I know this could save lives and all, but I don't know if I would be able to allow anyone to hurt Garfield. He is our son; we can't do this to him. Please reconsider." My mom plead, but it didn't seem to quite work. My dad's face went all dark and he shook his head.

"Fine I won't do it. Don't know why you would pass up fame, fortune and money just so we could protect our son, but what ever." He sounded so cold when he said that, as if having a kid never really meant anything to him. I was stunned for a moment or two, but quickly overcame it and got all the way to the river.

Once I got to the river I quickly changed into a crocodile and waited for my chance to save the fish that was going to be in trouble. I waited about ten minutes until I heard the sounds of foot steps and a laughing child. I still couldn't see the fish that was in trouble. While I was looking I was unaware that the current picked up and got a little stronger. It was as if destiny was making it happen. No, I was going to save my parents this time no matter what it takes! It was no use though, me fighting to stay afloat had ended up in me thrashing trying to stay afloat, and it only lasted for a couple of seconds until I was dragged back down into the water. That is when the realisation hit me. There wasn't going to be a fish in danger, it was him who was in danger.

"No.... don't come save me please! Just ignore me I will be fine! Just leave!" I mentally screamed to no one. I had realised to late, that I was the one who killed my parents.

P.O.V. Raven

Cyborg and I had just come from a small dark room after having entered the dimension of Metrion. I had no idea where we ended up as the area was not one I had seen before, but it seemed Cyborg knew where this was.

"Ugh...we need to get out of here as soon as possible." Cyborg said with a little bit of anger in his voice. "I can't stand seeing this place any longer than I have to."
"Don't worry Cyborg, we will leave as soon as we locate the other door that will lead us out of here, and to Beast Boy. Which shouldn't take long with my powers." I said as I started to meditate. "Remember, don't believe anything you hear in here. Depending on the person the punishment is different, but it's always mental. Here, you might relive something horrible that has happened to you, or something you are afraid of will mentally break you. It all depends. So just stay still." I close my eyes and started to chant my mantra.

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