Chapter 5: Raven's Never Ending Nightmare. Beast Boy's Internal Torment

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P.O.V. Raven

After we walked through the door way I knew one of two things were going to happen. 1, we would end up where ever Beast Boy landed or 2, we would end up in my nightmarish world. I was really hoping it was the first one, because the sooner we got Beast Boy out of their the sooner we could leave this hell hole and never return. Unfortunately fate, or who or what ever is in charge of making peoples lives hell had other plans.

When they got out the first thing I noticed was the giant building located in the center of the village they just entered. Looking around I saw glorious marble streets and golden columns, every building looked like they came out of Elizabethian times. The building in the middle of this city was none other than the temple where my mom used to go every day to pray. I looked up ad saw the blue green skies and crimson clouds that she used to talk about when I was little.

Cyborg kind of looked at everything weirdly. "Is this where Beast Boy is? If so, I would never of taken him as to have such a love for history." he chuckled a bit to himself. 

"No this isn't where Beast Boy is." I told him in my normal monotone voice. "This is Azarath before it was destroyed by my father." I looked back up at the temple in the middle of the city. "This is where I was born and raised for the first little bit of my life before my father decided to come in and destroy everything here, killing thousands of people."

Cyborg looked around "Well its a shame that it got destroyed, I would of loved to of visited here sometime." 

We started walking  towards the temple heading towards the portal, that would hopefully take us to Beast Boy. Cyborg was looking around amazed at the things surrounding us. I just wanted to be done with this place and be gone. "So how do you think Beast Boy is doing?" Cyborg asked a little bit worried.

"I really don't know. Best case scenario, which is unlikely since its Beast Boy, is that he is staying still and avoiding every thing at the moment. Worst case is he is trying to interfere and it will keep on looping on him making the same mistakes over and over again causing him to slowly go mad and snap." I bluntly replied.

"Can you fix him if we get him in time?" He asked curiously.

"No, I can fix physical wounds. I can't heal mental wounds. All we can hope for is that he isn't a raging basket case by the time we get to him."

"Well we came almost as soon as he did. So it shouldn't take that long for us to be able to get to him in time."

I sighed. "I wish that were the case. For us it could feel like seconds, but for Beast Boy it could feel like he has been here a year. Time moves differently here depending on how your mind views things. The more traumatic the experience the longer it seems you have been here."

"Oh. Then we got to get the little grass stain fast before he has to endure this any more than he has to!" he picked me up and started running towards the temple full speed.

"Put me down. I can run on my own." When we reached the foot of the temple he put me down and looked up at all the stairs we had to climb. Cyborgs eyes went all white and his jaw dropped.

"Are we suppose to walk up all of those stairs!? That's going to take forever!" he shouted. I just rolled my eyes and looked at him blankly.

"Come on you big baby, its really not that far. I've seen three year old's able to walk from the bottom to the top with out whining." I looked up at the top of the stairs hoping that I would be able to open the portal in time. I didn't want Gar to have to go through anymore than he had to at the moment. I needed to get him out of here fast.

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