Chapter 2: Nevermore

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Raven's P.O.V.

I found myself in Desires domain. I have only been here once before, but that was when I was young and I wanted to meet all of the emotions I had. The place didn't look all that different from when I here last. There was a big temple with columns going 20 feet into the air. As I walked up the steps Azarathian letter came into sight written all over the walls and columns of the temple. I stopped and looked at the 10 foot double door in front of me. "Wonder what she wants." I say walking in by phasing through the 500 pound doors.

Once inside I stop to see a person in a purple cloak levitated by a small bookshelf that may have contained fifty books, all about two hundred pages long, give or take. She turned around with a book in hand and sat down in a chair. "So you are finally here to look at what you desire huh?" the emotion Raven said.

"Well not really I just wanted to clear up what was in my head and you just happen to be the first domain that I came across." I replied walking over and sitting down in another one of the chairs that was there.

"That is because this is where you wanted to go, even though you don't know it yet." She said opening the book.

"Really? I find that hard to believe."

"Well why else do you think when Beast Boy and Cyborg entered your mind you were where they were instantly? It's the mirror sending you where you need to be. It only works for you that way though. Anyone else its sends them to a random place unless we will them to be somewhere." Raven sat back and thought about this for a while.

"I never noticed that before." Thinking back on it she was right. Every time I had come here I always ended up where I needed to be. When Beast Boy and Cyborg snuck into the mirror the once I was teleported into the area they were in instantly. "Okay, then why would I need to talk to you then? What is it that I desire so much that it makes me come here to you?" she gives me a slight grin and tosses me the book to me.

"Open that book. It holds one desire you have." She said leaning back and getting relaxed while folding her hands on her lap. "And before you say anything, yes that book is accurate, your mind doesn't lie. Or in this case your heart." Saying the last part under her breath thinking I wouldn't hear. Well I did, barely but I heard. 'What does my heart have to do with any of this?' I thought to myself.

I open up the book and start flipping through it. Oddly enough it wasn't what I entirely expected. It was just a bunch of pictures of the team. Then when I turned the page my eyes went wide. This couldn't be true. Could it?

P.O.V. Beast Boy.

I sat back on the couch and started flipping through channels looking for something to watch. I had just gotten out of the shower from cleaning myself off from whatever it was that covered him. Star should really never cook ever. It always ended up with someone, mainly me, getting attacked by her food.

As I was flipping through the channel I found a documentary on Ravens. Now I know if someone were to walk in on me they would get the wrong idea. So I had to make sure that no one knew I was watching. So I turned it down to as low as it could go and focused my hearing so I could hear it. I was only trying to compare our Raven to the other ravens see if they had any similarities considering it was her astral animal or something like that. Just as it was just getting into it I heard Cyborg yelling out my name. "Hey BB! Where you at you little grass stain?" the doors to the room open and I grab the remote and flip through the channels once again.

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