Chapter Five

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Harry is still scared of me, and I don't blame him. He remains tense with his knife grasped tightly in his hand, and fearfully keeps looking out at the hordes of zombies passing by from the window of the train compartment. Yes, I saved him. Why? I don't quite know. Maybe 'cos I ate his boyfriend's brains?

I suggest Harry to sleep on the bench, but he remains frozen in place. I sigh, walking over through the cluttered place I call home, and replacing a Jason Mraz CD with one of my all time favorite; Ed Sheeran. I feel myself get lost in the music. After a while, I open my eyes to see Harry's green ones looking at me in... awe?

"What are you?" he gasps, still looking at me with widened eyes. Well, am I really that horrid? Even more of a freak than my fellow undead? I'm offended. Or, does he see my individuality that I call my weirdness that made him ask that question?

I just shrug in response.

Harry's eyes now show fascination instead of fear, and I take it as a good sign. And as if I'm drawn to him, I get up and advance towards him, but sadly, Harry raises the knife, pushing himself deeper into the seat.

"Stay away from me," he warns, his voice shaky. I stare at him curiously. Can't he understand through my actions, that I don't want to harm him? I don't like killing people willingly, and I sure as Hell won't kill Harry.

"S-safe... h-here, I... n-not... hurt... y-you," I tell him firmly, hoping my intentions get through that curly haired head of his.

"But why me?" Harry asks softly, and I really can't tell him. Why? 'Cos I honestly don't know why I feel drawn to him. Maybe it's 'cos I now have some of Dustin's memories? But that's only my theory. I've never been in a situation like this before.

"Just let me go!" Harry yells, and harshly wipes at his glistening eyes. Is he crying? Why is he crying?

"D-don't c...ry," I try to comfort him. "Safe...H-harry. K-keep...y-you...s-sa...fe," I promise him, locking my eyes with his pretty green ones, and Harry just looks away after a moment.

Okay. Maybe I should have thought this through a little more. But I can tell when someone needs their space.

So, I shuffle out of my train compartment, hoping that Harry doesn't escape. 'Cos others won't be like me, and they'd eat him alive.

The sun is almost setting, casting a pale orangey glow over everything in sight. I sigh, as I take in the surroundings, the beautiful field. This apocalypse has affected only the people, and thankully, it has left the natural beauty of this world untouched.

Right before the sun sets, I reach the abandoned garage, which has a great view of the skyline. Or should I say... what's left of the New York skyline.

I climb into the sports car that I usually relax in to admire the sunset, and do just that. I love to watch the sunrise and the sunset, the start and the end of a new day. How must it feel like? Knowing you can die any day, any second? And not only by a bullet to the head, but by anything.

Like sickness, even a little fall.

After it gets dark, hunger hits me. I sigh and open up the dash drawer of the car, pulling out some leftover brains. Yes, Dustin's brains.

Now, there's a lot of ways to get to know a person. And eating his dead boyfriend's brains is one of the more... uncommon methods but...

"This is a special occassion," Colonel Styles tells Dustin as they are sat at the Styles' dinner table, and Harry smiles.

"Uh, special occassion, sir?" Dustin frowns in confusion, as he thought this was just a dinner to formally introduce him to Harry's parents.

Heartbeat [Zarry] [Zombie AU]Where stories live. Discover now